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The Morning After

Finland has voted

The European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is delighted to invite you to the next session of our event format “The Morning After”. In this format we are monitoring Parliamentary and/or Presidential Elections in European states and are discussing the results with our KAS colleagues in the respective country. The next session will focus on Finland, where the first round of the Presidential Elections is scheduled for 28 January 2024.

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The event “The Morning After – Finland has voted” will take place on Tuesday, 30 January 2024 from 09:30 - 10:15 (CET) via Zoom. We are looking forward to discuss the election outcome with our colleague Gabriele Baumann, Director of the KAS Nordic Countries Project. After a conversation between Ms Baumann and Kai Gläser, Policy Advisor at the European Office of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, the participants will have the chance to direct their questions and comments to both speakers. The discussion will take place in German with simultaneous interpretation into English.


For registration, please use the following  LINK.


We are looking forward to your participation!

Here you will find the program for download: Programme 24-01-30 Finland has voted.pdf

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  • Gabriele Baumann
    • Director of the KAS Nordic Countries Project
  • Kai Gläser
    • Policy Advisor at the European Office of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Kai Gläser

Kai Gläser bild

Senior Policy Advisor +32 2 66931-52 +32 2 66931-62

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