Expert panel
Early Parliamentary Elections will be held in the Netherlands on 22 November 2023. These became necessary because the incumbent government of Prime Minister Mark Rutte (VVD/Liberals) collapsed over a dispute about stricter asylum legislation. The coalition with the left-liberal Democraten 66 (D66), the Christen Democratisch Appèl (CDA) and the Calvinist ChristenUnie (CU) had come together again after the last Parliamentary Elections, but was under pressure from the outset due to various scandals and internal disputes. Citizens' trust in politics reached an all-time low in the run-up to the last election and appears to be recovering only slowly. This is one of the reasons why several new parties have emerged in recent years, which could also play an important role in the early elections. According to current polls, there are signs of a three-way battle at the top between the newly founded Nieuw Sociaal Contract (NSC) party of former CDA politician Pieter Omtzigt, the liberal VVD of Justice Minister and Spitzenkandidat Dilan Yeşilgöz and the alliance of Social Democrats and Greens (PvdA/GroenLinks). The latter was formed by the merger of the previously separate parties - the lead candidate is the former Vice-President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans. In contrast, the BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB), which was the strongest party in all provinces in the regional elections in March, has lost support. Due to the lack of a threshold in the House of Representatives, numerous parties and alliances will once again make it into parliament. Observers are talking about the "most open Parliamentary Election" in a long time.
Who are the winners and who are the losers of the Parliamentary Elections 2023? Which issues dominated the election campaign and which parties were able to score points on which issues? How will the political fragmentation in the Dutch parliament affect the process of finding a majority and forming a government?
The event „The Morning After – The Netherlands have voted” will take place on Thursday, 23 November 2023 from 09:30-10:15 CET via Zoom. We look forward to discussing the election result with Günter Gülker, Director of the German-Dutch Chamber of Commerce (DNHK) in The Hague. After the conversation between Mr Gülker and Dr. Hardy Ostry, Director of the European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, the audience will have the opportunity to contribute their questions to the discussion. The event will be held in German with simultaneous interpretation into English.
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Download the agenda: Programme 23-11-23 Netherlands have voted