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Specialist conference

The Border as personal destiny – the 50th anniversary of the Berlin Wall and the inner German border

In cooperation with the Representation of the State of Hessen to the European Union

Simultaneous translation: German/ English. Participation on personal invitation only.

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Representation of the State of Hessen to the European Union, Avenue de l’Yser 19, 1040 Brussels


Joscha Ritz

Research Associate European Office based in Brussels

Dr. Stefan Gehrold, Direktor des Europabüros der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Fotograf der LV Hessen
v.l.n.r. Ines Veith, Ehrhard Göhl, Steffi Barthel, Dr. Tom Weingärtner, Jutta Fleck und Dr. Karsten Dümmel. Fotograf LV Hessen

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