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A roadmap for the European Deposit Insurance Scheme

Start of a never ending story?

At the Euro Summit in June 2018, European leaders agreed on a roadmap for politicalnegotiations on the European Deposit Insurance Scheme (EDIS). Besides political issues,numerous technical questions are still unanswered.

Asset Publisher


At the Euro Summit in June 2018, European leaders agreed on a roadmap for political

negotiations on the European Deposit Insurance Scheme (EDIS). Besides political issues,

numerous technical questions are still unanswered. What is the appropriate design of a

common scheme? At what point has sufficient risk reduction in the banking sector been

achieved? On October 11, 2018, the European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

and the Federation of German Industries (BDI) are organising a high-level workshop on

EDIS. As speakers we will welcome Esther de Lange (Member of the European Parliament, ECON Committee), Boris Kisselevsky (Head of the Brussels Office, European Central Bank) and Sigrid Part (Chair of the Ad Hoc Working Party on the Strengthening of the Banking Union / Ministry of Finance, Austria).

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Brussels European Office
11, Avenue de l’Yser,
B-1040 Brussels
Zur Webseite

Alternative venue

European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung



  • Esther de Lange
    • Member of the European Parliament
  • Boris Kisselevsky
    • Head of the Brussels Office
    • European Central Bank
  • Sigrid Part
    • Chair of the Ad Hoc Working Party on the Strengthening of the Banking Union / Ministry of Finance
    • Austria.

Dr. Hardy Ostry

Dr. Hardy Ostry

Head of the Washington, D.C. office

Mathias Koch

Mathias Koch bild

Research Associate European Office +32 2 66931-53 +32 2 66931-62

Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher