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Expert panel

The Asia-Pacific Perspective on Security Challenges

The Expert Roundtable is part of a NATO-KAS Study and Information programme bringing 11 security experts to Europe in order to discuss with European stakeholders current operations and its possible effects on NATO-Asia and Pacific relationship

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FFurthermore the discussion shall address the strategic regional cooperation and the inclusion of new security challenges


14.45 Registration of participants and coffee

15.00 Welcome note by Dr. Wilhelm Hofmeister, Director Regional Programme Political Dialogue Asia, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Singapore

15:05Welcome note by Zsolt Rabai, Information Officer for Hungary, Pakistan, Contact Countries and other Partners across the Globe, Coordinator for NATO Contact Point Embassies, NATO HQ Public Diplomacy Division

15.10 Panel I: Afghanistan and Libya – an occasion for strengthening NATO-Asia relations or a test for NATO’s partner countries

Tsuneo „Nabe“ Watanabe, Director of Foreign and Security Policy Research, Senior Fellow, The Tokyo Foundation, Japan

Evan A. Laksmana, Senior Fellow, Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Indonesia

H.E. Martin Erdmann, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Germany to NATO

Chair:Dr. Wilhelm Hofmeister, Director Regional Programme Political Dialogue Asia, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Singapore


16:15Panel II: The new security threats as areas of common interest for Asia, EU and NATO, prospects and challenges of cooperation

Dr. TANG Siew Mun, Director, Institute for Strategic and International Studies, Malaysia

Dr. LEE Soong Hee, Professor of International Politics Korea National Defense University (KNDU), Republic of Korea

Diego Ruiz Palmer, Head of Strategic Analysis Capability Section, Emerging Security Challenges Division, NATO HQ

Lieutnant-General Ton van Osch, Director EU Military Staff, European External Action Service

Chair: Dick Gupwell, Vice-Chairman, European Institute for Asian Studies asbl


17:30 End of roundtable

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Elisabeth Sandfuchs

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