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Think Digital!

Implementing the EU AI ACT

The European Offices of Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation and ZVEI, German Electro and Digital Industry Association, are delighted to invite you to this year’s Think Digital! conference, following up on a highly successful format in the past.

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Last year’s digital agenda has been marked by the conclusion of the EU AI Act. It entered into force on 1 August 2024 following a successful legislative process after the European Commission had issued a first proposal in 2021. In the meantime, AI has developed from being a technical expert topic to reaching the mainstream of society and industry. After the achievement of this legislative milestone, all eyes are now on the AI Act’s implementation. It is time to “Think Digital” in order to make the AI Act a European success story and boost Europe’s competitiveness.

We are delighted to have MEP Axel Voss as our patron of “Think Digital” given his influential role as shadow rapporteur on the AI Act file during the last legislative mandate at the European Parliament. Following two high-level panel discussions, we would like to invite you to a dinner reception starting at 18:30h. For more detailed information please find the program and agenda attached.

If you would like to attend the event, please register via this link – limited seats available: 

We look forward to welcoming you soon!

Download the agenda: Programme 25-02-19 Think Digital_final (2).pdf

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Meike Lenzner

Meike Lenzner

Policy Advisor +32 2 669 31 68

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