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Expert panel

Rio+20: A turning point for sustainable development and inclusive growth?

Perspectives from Europe and emerging economies

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), Misereor and CIDSE invite you to an exchange of views on growth, development and sustainability.

Asset Publisher


Three top-level experts from Peru, South Africa, and India share their expertise in the fields of economic growth, use of natural resources and finance, sustainability and equity.

The 20-22 June UN Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development is fast approaching. Important issues are on the table in relation to a new green economy approach, changes needed in our economies, and their potential to guarantee future sustainability and equity. The ongoing negotiations have revealed evolving dynamics and differences of views between the EU and other countries, with emerging economies playing a key role. Are expectations for Rio+20 too high, given the challenges governments and societies are facing? Is Europe doing enough to make Rio+20 a success?

Ahead of Rio+20 and a meeting with the Parliamentary Commission on Growth, Wealth, Quality of Life of the German Bundestag, three top-level experts from Peru, South Africa, and India, will visit Brussels to address the most pertinent questions on economic growth, use of natural resources and finance, and the outlook for sustainability and equity in the light of Rio+20.

Panel debate with European experts and:

Extractive industries and sustainable growth

Mr. Humberto Ortiz Roca

Director of the Catholic Church Social Commission, Peru, expert in extractives and alternative economy

Climate change, market and public responses

Mrs. Nomabelu Mvambo-Dandal

Director of the Diakonia Council of Churches, South Africa, expert in climate change and equity

Finance and changing views on growth-led development

Mr. Kavaljit Singh

Director of the Madhyam Institute, India, expert in finance for sustainable development

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Brussels European Office
11, Avenue de l’Yser,
B-1040 Brussels
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Benjamin-Tedla Hecker

Junior Project Manager Multinational Development Policy Dialogue

Asset Publisher