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Event reports

“The Challenge of Stabilization and Reconstruction: How to Improve International Cooperation“

by Melanie Frank

Conference Report

Responding to the complex challenges of international instability with armed conflicts and failed states, NATO played more and more a central role in international crisis management. Today NATO carries out repacifying and peace supporting actions at the Balkan, in Afghanistan and other regions. In this context the importance of cooperation between civil and military actors becomes apparent. The key to success lays in complement actions of military and civil organisations.The aim of this conference organised by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in cooperation with NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division und the Permanent Representations of Canada, Denmark and Germany to NATO is to promote and support a closer cooperation between NATO and NGOs.The conference took place on 16&17 October 2006 in the “Cercle Royal Gaulois“ in Brussels.

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