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IMAGO / Middle East Images

Canada Faces the Threat of a Trade War with the USA in the Election Year!

The EU and Canada should respond more jointly.

The punitive tariffs threatened by US President Trump against Canada and Mexico have only been postponed, not canceled. There will be losers on both sides – not only in the USA and Canada but also in Europe. Preparations by Canada and the EU for effective countermeasures are already underway. As in 2018, the EU is once again focusing on trade with the USA. The CETA agreement could be a suitable and joint protective shield for both partners. This will unexpectedly push the ongoing election campaign in Canada in a new direction.


The U.S. Elections and the End of Comfort for the Canadian Government

Just a few weeks before taking over the G7 presidency, the election campaign in Canada is already well underway

The presidential elections in the U.S. have triggered an unexpectedly hectic activity in Canadian government policy. For Justin Trudeau's minority government, which was almost written off, new opportunities have emerged—at least in the short term—to demonstrate its ability to act in challenging times. Just a few weeks before taking over the G7 presidency, the election campaign in Canada is already well underway. The Conservatives, led by Pierre Poilievre, continue to lead decisively in all polls.

Countering Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference

Lessons from the 2024 European Elections

This report, "Countering Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference – Lessons from the 2024 European Elections" assesses responses to foreign information manipulation and interference (FIMI) in the European Union (EU) and Canada. It highlights regulatory frameworks, best practices, and challenges to countering these threats, and offers valuable lessons for Canadian policymakers.


Slow, Agonizing - and Unstoppable: the End of the Trudeau Era is Approaching

The Prime Minister and his difficult farewell to power

Canada in the summer of 2024: the government's run of bad luck - critics would say ongoing poor performance - has continued for almost 20 months. Hardly a week goes by without a new piece of bad news hitting the media. In the face of this misery, however, the head of government appears outwardly unimpressed - for now.


June Briefing

Does it still exist? Canada's geopolitical significance

KAS Canada Briefings are monthly reports that cover important national issues.


March Briefing

In urgent need of reform - Canada's healthcare system in crisis

KAS Canada Briefings are monthly reports that cover important national issues.

University of Toronto

February Briefing

Canada's Value as a Place to Study

KAS Canada Briefings are monthly reports covering important national topics.

The Canadian Press

December Briefing

Mit einem neuen Dreijahresplan für die Einwanderung will die Regierung um Justin Trudeau die Einwanderungszahlen für die Jahre 2024 bis 2026 stabilisieren. Damit wechselt sie ihren bisherigen Kurs, der auf stetig steigende Einwanderungszahlen setzte. Während die Regierung in Ottawa in der Einwanderung das Allheilmittel für die kanadische Wirtschaft sieht, sinkt erstmals die traditionell breite Akzeptanz für die hohen Einwanderungszahlen in der Bevölkerung. Warum immer mehr Zuwanderung, wenn schon jetzt nicht ausreichend Wohnraum zur Verfügung steht, Millionen Menschen keinen Hausarzt haben und es nicht genug Schulplätze gibt? Dringende Fragen für das Land, welches im Westen für seine Einwanderungspolitik bewundert wird.

The Energy Partnership Between Canada and Germany

Opportunities and Challenges

In March 2021 Canada and Germany committed to establishing an energy partnership. This was followed in August 2022 by a joint announcement of a Canada-Germany Hydrogen Alliance. As the world embarks on a transformational path toward decarbonized energy systems and wars in the Ukraine and the Middle East remind us of the complex entanglements of politics, energy, and the environment, in what follows, the bilateral energy partnership will be analyzed to determine the nature and future of this partnership.


October Briefing

Drug policy and drug reality in Canada - the example of Vancouver

The KAS Canada Briefings are special reports that deal with important national issues.

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