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KAS-staff KOU Ying translated Konrad Lorenz's late work "The Waning of Humaneness" into Chinese

The Austrian Konrad Lorenz (1903-1989) is considered the founder of modern ethology. In 1973 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for his pioneering research. Throughout his life he has dealt with basic questions as human existence, the future of human civilization and the existential threats to humanity through feasibility delusi-on and environmental destruction. His late work "The Waning of Humaneness " is Konrad Lorenz's last and overall representation about his worldview. It is now for the first time in the Chinese language translated by the KAS-staff Mrs. Kou Ying.

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To buy the chinese version, please visit DangDang.

To buy the english book, please visit Amazon.

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Tim Wenniges


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