Specialist conference
2015 marks the 14th anniversary of the People´s Republic of China´s entry into the world trading organization WTO and signifies the China´s deeper integration into the world economy. China has strengthened its position in the international community ever since and the Chinese economy has become an inseparable part of the world economy. Since its opening in the year 2001, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Shanghai has supported this integration process in cooperation with its partner SUIBE. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung´s engagement expressed itself through the annual WTO forums, conducted to address the central challenges facing the People´s Republic of China on its way to successfully integrating into the world economy.
This year´s conference deals with the topic “Energy, Resources and Climate Change – Strategies to enhance the global governance structure” and aims to introduce advantages and disadvantages of global energy governance. Furthermore developments, challenges and implications of global energy governance are introduced from a Chinese and German comparative perspective.