The People’s Republic is the largest emitter of CO2 and other green house gases. Therefore international climate protection targets can only be reached if China makes a contribution. The Chinese government has realised this challenge and introduced several measures to reduce the economy’s energy intensity. The measures include incentives, which are supposed to stimulate the adaption of more climate friendly production technologies. But these are only minimum standards. Given awareness of the topic’s relevance as well as the legal regulations companies can carry out their own initiatives that go far beyond those standards. Furthermore not only companies in energy intensive branches can contribute to climate protection.
In the overall concept of CSR sustainable development including climate and environmental protection are included as central aims. A large number of companies have recognized that they can improve their standing in society by contributing to China’s sustainable development. The workshop “Corporate Social Responsibility and Climate Policy” aims at spreading the concept in China. During the workshop companies will present practical examples of their contribution to climate protection. Furthermore potential cooperation with NGOs and future challenges will be discussed on November 29th 2012.