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The work of a political foundation

The work of a political foundation using the example of KAS wasthe focus of a discussion with Prof. Jin Wei, Central Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Institution of Social Development and Research.

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Within the framework of last years China-India-Germany Trialog began an open debate with representatives of the Central Party School on security policy issues. KAS/Beijing wants to further enhance the scope of these talks in 2012. Dr. Stefan Friedrich, Head of Team Asia and the Pacific, European and International Cooperation, Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, Berlin, and Thomas Awe, Head of KAS-Office/Beijing, shared their thoughts in a warm discussion with Prof. Jin and were able to reach a consensus on future pillars of cooperation.

More information on the China-India-Germany Trialog

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  • Prof. Jin Wei
    • Central Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party
    • Institution of Social Development and Research
  • Dr. Stefan Friedrich
    • Head of Team Asia and the Pacific
    • EIC
    • Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation
    • Berlin

Thomas Awe

Expert conference
November 17, 2011
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Prof. Jin Wei, Zentrale Parteihochschule KAS/Peking

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