Expert panel
In the current international fiscal and economic crisis all hopes are pinned on China which is considered to be a constructive actor. Europe hopes for brisk investments and the assumption of its governments’ debts. Sceptics are afraid of China pursuing its own goals, which could run counter to the interests of indebted industrial countries. Because of its foreign currency reserves, its economic power and integration in the international economy China itself is affected by the global financial crisis and has to adopt efficient measures to curb a potential recession.
In this interdisciplinary dialogue international experts and political scientists tried to evaluate the importance of China for the current economic situation. How do the developments of finance policies in China impinge on decisions in Germany and the EU? By what means can China be more integrated in the international financial architecture? How can we encourage urgently required international regulations and a more sustainable economic behaviour?
In this expert talk, organized by KAS/Beijing, experts from China and Germany analyzed various aspects of the current global economic crisis with regard to China’s economic and financial policies.