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The Energy-Water-Waste Nexus

A workshop on efficient water management solutions

Together with local and international partners, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung jointly invites to a workshop on the precious topic of water management on June 5, 2016.

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The workshop takes place under the framework of the 2nd Transoceanic Water Source Summit and is the kick-off of a workshop series related to the topic of Circular Economy.

China is facing great challenges of both water shortage and serious water pollution. The State Council released China’s Water Pollution Control Action Plan earlier this year to combat illegal sewage discharge and to promote innovative treatment technologies. Shanghai, as one of the largest and most populous cities in China, is at the forefront of providing innovative solutions for municipal water management.

While Shanghai has tackled the challenge since the 2010 World Expo ‘Better City – Better Life’, Hamburg has been prioritizing sustainable water management since becoming the European Green Capital in 2011 and many other cities across the globe face similar challenges.

For the workshop we are glad to welcome water experts from both, the city of Shanghai and Hamburg. The 2nd Transoceanic Water Summit will bring together representatives from arts, business, science, and the public sector to discuss challenges and solutions in the field of water management. The workshop aims to promote a cultural, scientific and practical exchange among practioners from different sectors.

For further information and to register online please click on the following link:

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Shanghai Music Conservatory, Shanghai


  • Flavio Luis Pazeto (Embassy of Brazil Beijing)
    • Zhou Lei (Shanghai Okeanos Water Center)
      • Kai-Justin Radmann (Consulaqua Hamburg GmbH)
        • Maximilian Rech (ESSCA School of Management)
          • Ruan Renliang (Shanghai Water Bureau)


            Second Transoceanic Water Summit in Shanghai and Qinghai: The Role of Water in Circular Economy
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            Tim Wenniges

            Water Management (Pixabay) Pixabay

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            Hamburg-Liaison Office Shanghai

            ESSCA — École de management
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