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Trends of E-Media Development in the Era of Globalisation

2nd Sino-German Media Forum and International Conference on Media Studies

This international conference, organized together with Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, aims to discuss the role of traditional broadcasting in the era of globalization as well as the relation of Economic, Media and Politics.

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Monday, March 20th, 2008

Opening of the international conference:

Trends of E-Media Development in the Era of Globalisation

9.00 h

Words of welcome by:

  • N.N. (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)
  • Herrn Winfried Jung, Landesbeauftragter der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in China

  • Prof. Dr. Tho Blank, ehemaliger Abgeordneter des Deutschen Bundestages, Präsident der DW-Akademie

  • N.N. (Southern Media Corporation)

9.20 h

Chair: N.N.

Panel 1: Politics and the Media I

  • Huang Yong, Associate Editor-in-Chief of State Administration of Radio (SARFT), Director of Development Research Center

  • Dr. Manfred Kops, Institute for Broadcasting Economics, University of Cologne


10.45 h

Coffee break

11:00 h

Panel 2: Politics and the Media II

  • Prof. Dr. Theo Blank, Former Member of German Parliament, President of DW-Academy

  • Wang Keman, President, Southern Media Corporation


12.15 h


14.00 h

Chair: N.N.

Panel 3: New Media I

  • Ms Yu Ruijin, Vice President, Southern Media Corporation; Manager, Guangdong Television Station

  • Dr. Helmut Osang, Head Team Asia, DW-Akademy

15.45 h

Coffee Break


Continuation Panel 4: New Media II

  • Prof. Wolfgang Thaenert, Director, Commercial Media Administration Department of Hessen, Germany

  • Ms. Bai Ling, Editor-in-chief, Southern Media Corporation; President, Guangdong Radio Station


17.30 h

End of first conference day

Tuesday, March 21st, 2008

9.00 h

Moderator: N.N.

Panel 4: New Media II

  • Prof. Tong Bing, Convener of the State Council Scientific Discipline Review Group for Journalism and Communication, Director of Post-Doctoral Research Center for Journalism and Communication at Fu Dan University

  • Prof. Zheng Baowei, Director, Center for Media and Social Development, Renmin-University

  • Prof. Ding Bouquan, Director, Center of Journalism and Communication Research, School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing-University


10.30 h

Coffee Break

10.45 h

Panel 5: Cooperation between Chinese and German Electronic Media - Possibilites and Limits

  • Prof. Zhang Kun, Vice Team Leader, Media Teaching Guidance Committee, Ministry of Information und Communication; Dean, School of Information and Communications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

  • Dr. Burkhard Nowotny, Former Director of International Relations, DW-Academy,

  • Gerda Meuer, Director, DW-Akademie


11.45 h

Final Remarks

12.00 h

End of the international conference

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Guangzhou Baiyun International Conference Center, Guangzhou


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