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Specialist conference

Global Security in the 21st Century - Perspectives from China and Europe

Jointly organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP) of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS).

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Tuesday, September 18th, 2007

Opening of the conference:

Global Security in the 21st Century: Perspectives from China and Europe

Venue: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

9.00 h

Chair: Prof. Wang Yizhou, Deputy Director, Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)

Words of Welcome by:

  • Mr.Yang Yang, Director, Bureau of International Cooperation, CASS

  • Mr. Winfried Jung, Resident Representative, Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Beijing

  • Prof. Yu Yongding, Director, Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP), CASS

9.20 h

Chair: Mr. Winfried Jung, Resident Representative, Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation in Beijing

Session 1: Global Security after September 11th: State and perspectives of the fight against international terrorism


  • Dr. Carlo Masala, Professor for International Relations, University of the Armed Forces in Munich, Germany

  • Rear Admiral Yang Yi, Director, Institute for Strategic Studies, National Defence University


10.40 h

Coffee break

10.55 h

Session 2: Nuclear Proliferation and international order: Proposals for the reform of the non-proliferation regime


  • Prof. Dr. Joachim Krause, Professor of Political Science; Director, Institute of Social Sciences, University Kiel

  • Prof. Shao Feng, Director of Division of International Strategy, Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP), CASS


12.15 h


14.00 h

Chair: Rear Admiral Yang Yi, Director, Institute for Strategic Studies, National Defence University

Session 3: Climate Change as a challenge: Possibilities of shaping an international climate policy


  • Dr. Xue Li, Division of International Strategy, Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP), CASS

  • Dr. Friedemann Müller, Nonresident Senior Fellow, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, German Institute for International and Security Affairs


15.20 h

Coffee break

15.35 h

Session 4: Stability of the International Financial Sector: Considerations of reform with regard to the international financial architecture


  • Prof. Gao Haihong, Director of Division of International Finance, Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP), CASS

  • Dr. Sebastian Paust, Alternate Executive Director for Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Turkey and United Kingdom, Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines


17.00 h

End of first conference day

Wednesday, September 19th, 2007

Continuation of the conference

09.00 h

Chair: Prof. Wang Yizhou, Deputy Director, Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP), CASS

Session 5: Energy Supply Security: Demands on a politics as consequence of changed market constellations


  • Dr. Xeu Li, Division of International Strategy, Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP), CASS

  • Dr. Friedemann Müller, Nonresident Senior Fellow, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, German Institute for International and Security Affairs


10.20 h

Coffee break

10.35 h

Session 6: Refugees, Migrants and Repatriation: Strategies and concepts of problem solving


  • Prof. Jiang Nifei, Institute for Strategic Studies, National Defence University

  • Mr. Gerry Pascua, Head of the Liaison Office in China, International Organization for Migration (IOM)


11.55 h

Concluding Remarks

12.00 h

End of the conference

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Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, #5 Jianguomen neidajie


Stability of the International Financial Sector: Considerations of Reform with regard to the International Financial Architecture
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Nuclear Proliferation and International Order – The Reform of the Non-Proliferation Regime
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Energy Supply Security: Demands on Politics as Consequence of Changed Market Constellations
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Climate Change as a Challenge: Possibilities of Shaping an International Climate Policy: Possibilities of Shaping an International Climate Policy
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Global Security in the 21st Century
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Winfried Jung

Head of the KAS office in Chile

Globale Sicherheit im 21

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