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Intercultural Perception in Transition

Cultural Policy and its Significance for the German-Chinese Relations

In the context of a KAS|Beijing lecture series, German and Chinese researchers will discuss the contemporary significance of cultural policy for the diplomatic relations between China and Germany.

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The term Cultural Policies denotes the acting and intervening of the state in the areas of art, literature and music. We can differentiate between internal and external cultural policies. This seminar will focus on external cultural policies which are aimed at creating intercultural encounters and communication beyond the political discourse, in order to enhance the understanding for each other, and to facilitate the accommodation of different views and traditions. Furthermore, cultural policies serve as a form of soft power; the possibility to improve the reputation of a country by cultural means in order to be able to negotiate more successfully on the international political arena. Parallel to China’s gradual opening towards foreign cultures, it increasingly promotes its own language and traditions abroad.

In this interdisciplinary discussion round, the KAS|Beijing addresses the special significance of cultural policies in a successful political dialogue between Germany and China. The specific objects and methods of the state in its implementation of its internal and external cultural policies will hereby form the centre of the debate. To what extent does the censorship of the Chinese government influence its external cultural policies? Can the cultural cooperation between Germany and China be considered a success?

This talk is part of the lecture series of KAS|Beijing in which young talented German researchers, Chinese and international experts, academics and representatives of think-tanks discuss current issues in the areas of law, economics, and cultural policies in the context of 40 years of diplomatic relations between Germany and China.

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  • Prof. Dr. Anna-Margaretha Horatschek
    • Chair of English Literature
      • Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel and Prof. Dr. Wang Jianbin
        • Department of German Studies
          • Beijing Foreign Studies University


            Interkulturelle Wahrnehmung im Wandel: Kulturpolitik und ihre Bedeutung für die deutsch-chinesischen Beziehungen
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            Thomas Awe

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