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Single title

Water security challenges in Latinamerica

by Fernando Anaya

A focus in water- energy nexus

Research by Fernando Anaya, independent consultant in the World Bank and IDB, who explore and analyze the links between power generation and its impact on water sources in Latin America and how this impact influences water security in the region.

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The purpose of this article is to identify the challenges and recommendations for strengthening water security in ten countries in the region: Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and Peru. The document is divided into three sections.

The first section contextualizes the assessment of water and energy in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals, followed by the conceptualization of the water-energy nexus. The second section describes and analyzes the current situation of water resources and their interrelations with the energy sector and climate change, while the third section summarizes the challenges faced by the countries and proposes recommendations for strengthening water security. 

* The publication is available in Spanish and English.

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Giovanni Burga

Giovanni Burga

Project Manager +51 934 346 675


Asset Publisher