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Science, Research and Technology

Science, Research and Technology

Drivers of Social and Economic Innovations

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The content of physics concerns physicians, its impact concerns everyone.

Friedrich Dürrenmatt, writer and painter

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At a glance

  • Science, research and technology shape our lifestyles and influence our values. It is therefore important to engage in these topics, think about the and participate in the discussion.
  • Science and research are indispensable when it comes to improving quality of life. Current problems, too, such as climate change or the energy transition cannot be solved without science.
  • Unbridled technological progress is throwing society and the environment out of balance. Unreflected thinking about feasibility leads to ethical problems and potentially violates human dignity.
  • The economic potential of knowledge-intensive sectors is enormous. Especially for countries with few natural natural resources, scientific-technological expertise is the most important productive factor.
  • The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung realises the importance of science, research and technology and is developing concepts for their further development jointly with external experts.



1. The fascination of science

2. Why discuss science and research?

3. Potential for problem solving

4. Economic potential

5. International competition

6. Shaping science, research and technology

7. Our offers and projects on the topic

8. Publications, events and media contributions on the topic


The fascination of science

Research helps to understand the world. It recognises natural laws with their mechanisms and regulations. It is fascinating what science and research achieve: from the smallest molecule to the infinity of the universe, from inanimate nature to the diversity of organisms.

Curiosity, a quest for knowledge, the spirit of discovery and ingenuity shape the culture of a “knowledge-based society”, in which know-how has become the most important foundation. Modern societies are inconceivable without science, research, and technology.


Why discuss science and research?

Science and research are not self-sustaining. They cost a lot of money and need government funding. What is to be financed? Where should the research priorities lie?

Science and research are not an end in themselves. Society and science interact with each other. Nevertheless, science needs a high level of autonomy. What does society expect from science? What is science allowed to do, what is it not? What social responsibility does science bear?

Science, research and technology harbour great opportunities but also risks. Questions arise that cannot be answered by science alone: What risks is a society prepared to bear? What is acceptable, what is not?

Ultimately, it is about the question of how we want to live in future. Science, research and technology shape our lifestyles and influence our values. That is why it is up to all of us to show initiative and join in the discussion.


Potential for problem solving

Science and research improve quality of life. They contribute to solving people's fundamental problems: in terms of health, nutrition, resources and the environment. The rising life expectancy with good health are a positive example of this. The Corona crisis, too, has demonstrated how necessary good research is. Upcoming challenges such as climate change, the energy revolution or species extinction cannot be overcome without science.

But there are also downsides: Excessive technological progress is throwing society and the environment out of balance. Unreflective feasibility thinking leads to ethical problems and potentially violates human dignity and the humane in society.

That is why we not only need scientific-technological expertise, but also the ability to reflect and strength of judgement.


Economic potential

The knowledge-intensive areas of the service and manufacturing industry are growing particularly fast, they provide the majority of skilled jobs and have high value-added potential.

Science, research, and technology are the foundations of these knowledge-intensive industries. They stimulate economic life. In countries lacking in raw materials, such as the Federal Republic of Germany, scientific-technological expertise is the most important productive factor.


International competition

That is why all industrialised countries are expanding their research systems. With the “Excellence Strategy”, the “Pact for Research and Innovation” and other funding instruments, the German Federal Government is supporting universities and non-university research institutions. It is about creating framework conditions for high-quality research.

Germany is competing internationally to attract business to the region. The German research system is efficient, but there is great need for improvement.


Shaping science, research and technology

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is cooperating with external experts to draw up concepts on how science, research and technology are to be further developed. It identifies problems and possible solutions.

The foundation integrates scientific, research and technology policy into larger contexts, and connects it with social and economic policy. It refers to the “human-centred perspective” of scientific-technological change.

Our offers and projects on the topic

Publication and website projects

As a political foundation, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is particularly interested in linking science and politics: As part of a “Science Network”, prominent experts are developing positions on scientific, research, higher education and innovation policy. What is more, a research project is examining scientific policy advice in Germany.

Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering


Genetic engineering, biotechnology and related fields of research are socio-politically controversial. For many critics, the risks are unacceptable. However, the facts refute the criticism and show that the opportunities far outweigh the risks. Without modern life sciences, progress in medicine, pharmaceuticals, plant breeding, agriculture, food production and environmental research would be unthinkable. All scientific results clearly speak for a responsible use of these cross-sectional technologies.

What are the opportunities of the lifesciences? What economic potential do they have? How can they help to overcome the challenges ahead? What benefits do people expect? How must genetic engineering and biotechnology, embryo and stem cell research, reproductive medicine and other areas of application be regulated? What potential dangers must not be lost sight of? Information and food for thought on these aspects can be found on our project page below.


Learn more about biotechnology and genetic engineering

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s Science Network


The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has initiated an independent committee of experts with renowned personalities from the world of science, which formulates positions on fundamental and current issues of science and higher education policy.

The previously published position papers are listed on the following overview page. You will find the members of Science Network at the end of the papers.


Learn more about publications of the Science Network

Scientific Policy Advice

An important task of science is to advise politics and society. Especially in the Corona crisis it became clear how important scientific advice is for political action.

On the political agenda are many important challenges that require scientific expertise such as climate change, the energy revolution, species and environmental protection.

Against this backdrop, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is analysing scientific policy advice in Germany and drawing up proposals for its further development.


Learn more about the publications on scientific policy advice


Scholarship- and career-orientated offers

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung provides doctoral and post-doctoral scholarships to those seeking an academic career at higher education institutions or universities, and who have thus decided to work in research.

Scholarships for Doctoral Candidates


With the doctoral funding, the foundation has been supporting academically outstanding and junior researchers active in social policy on their path towards quickly and successfully completing their project since 1969. In doing so, we not only support the process of scientifically compiling the doctoral publication, but also prepare scholarship holders for taking on responsibility in leading positions.


Learn more about the doctoral scholarships

Scholarships for Post-Doctoral Candidates


As a result of a decision by the Budget Committee of the German Bundestag on 2013, which enables organisations for the promotion of young talent to fund post-doctoral qualifications, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has also been providing scholarships to post-doctoral candidates since 2015. Our goal is to support socially committed, outstanding scientists with their scientific career, and to advise them on all issues relating to the scholarship.


Learn more about the post-doctoral scholarships

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Christina Thelen

Christina Thelen

Science and Research Policy +49 30 26996 3839
Event Reports
June 21, 2021
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kurzum Monterey Bay/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
March 17, 2021
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Publications, events and media contributions on the topic

Our contributions are as wide-ranging and multifaceted as the topic itself!

Whether it's an expert interview, specialist publication or hot debate - click through and you're guaranteed to find the right format for you!

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Publications to the topic

Header 2024-06-03 Synergien von Blockchain und KI KAS

Synergies of Blockchain and AI

Improving Europe’s Digital Sovereignty

Deepfake-Konzept zum Abgleich von Gesichtsbewegungen. Gesichtstausch oder Nachahmung. Adobe Stock / FAMILY STOCK

The influence of Deep Fakes on Elections

Legitimate Concern or Mere Alarmism?


Ein neues Leistungsversprechen

Wie Deutschland wieder zurück auf die Erfolgsspur kommt

Soldat arbeitet in einem Computerraum Adobe Stock / AkuAku

Turning point? Civil clauses!

Why military research belongs at German universities

Foto 1

Desafíos del sistema de salud en Chile

Ciclo de conversaciones sobre políticas públicas



Gesellschaftliche Chancen und Risiken Künstlicher Intelligenz im politischen Prozess

Nordkorea Flagge Fahne Cyber Internation Hacker Grispb,

Cyber Actors: North Korea

How cyber operations support the state system

Online, offline oder beides? Umfragemethoden im Praxistest Collage: Stafeeva, (people); KAS

Online, offline or both?

Practical test of survey methods – which survey method delivers trustworthy, representative results?

KI in Subsahara-Afrika Media Lens King,

AI in Subsahara-Africa – Afrofuturism without African languages?

The challenges for large language models

Palais des Nations Geneva II

Geneva Barometer

Developments among Geneva-based international organisations from October to December 2023

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Wem gehört der Weltraum?

Eine rechtliche Einordnung


Weltraum für alle Bürger

Europas Raumfahrtambitionen

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War in Space

Was droht dort oben?


Tief blicken

Wie Erkenntnisse der Astrophysik das Weltbild verändern

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Technoide Seelenschau

Der Weltraum als Projektionsfläche in der Science-Fiction

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So nah und doch so fern

Anmerkungen zur Optik des „Overview“

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Innovationstreiber Raumfahrt

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Plan B?

Der Mars in Vision und Wirklichkeit

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Interview: Der Himmel ist keine Grenze

Nicola Winter, Reserveastronautin der ESA, über die deutsche Raumfahrt­strategie, den Technologiestandort Deutschland und Rollenklischees in der Luft­ und Raumfahrt

platzhalter12_graurotZfPGRK DPM

Interview: "Kleinreden macht es nicht besser"

Wettermoderatorin Claudia Kleinert über die Zuverlässigkeit von Prognosen und das Thema Klimawandel in Wetterberichten

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Events on the topic



Sicherheitspolitik im Baltikum
Die Baltenrepubliken zwischen Europa, der NATO und Russland

Event Reports on the topic

Event Reports on the topic

Sachsens Ministerpräsident Michael Kretschmer, Nils Aldag, Christian von Olshausen, Schatzmeister und Juryvorsitzender Dr. Christoph Brand Jana Reimann-Grohs/KAS

Preis Soziale Marktwirtschaft 2024 verliehen

Dynamik, Mut zur Veränderung und Neugier auf Neues

Professor Dr. Frank Pisch Ph.D, Dr. Deborah Schnabel und Professor Dr. Dr. Christian Reuter (von links) Thomas Ehlen /

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DemocrAIcy I

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Gespräch mit Ministerpräsident Kretschmer an der Universität Leipzig

Foto_Pfeiffer-Poensgen.jpeg Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

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Digitale Diskussionsveranstaltung mit Ministerin Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen

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Die Welt im Krisenmodus

Eva Morlang im Gespräch mit Prof. Enste

Verhaltensökonomie und Klimaschutz: Bessere Regulierung und Green Nudges für mehr Nachhaltigkeit

Eine Bilanz des 30. #HessenKAS Facebook-Live vom 01.03.2022


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Eine Reise in die Zukunft der Mobilität


Brauchen wir einen Digitalpakt Kita?

Chancen und Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung in der frühkindlichen Bildung


Media library

Konrad Adenauer Foundation Washington, D.C.
Hermann Gröhe: Innovations in global health
Hermann Gröhe, Deputy Chairman of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, attends a political dialogue program in Washington. The focus is on global health issues.
Erststimme #88: Hildegard Müller
Nachhaltige Mobilität & Künstliche Intelligenz
In der aktuellen Folge sprechen wir mit Hildegard Müller, der Präsidentin des Verbandes der Automobilindustrie, über spannende anstehende Themen.
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Thomas Jarzombek MdB zum wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs
Im Interview skizziert Thomas Jarzombek MdB, Sprecher der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion für Bildung und Forschung, die Grundbedingungen für gutes wissenschaftliches Arbeiten.
Professor Timo de Wolff zu den Perspektiven von Postdocs
Im Interview erläutert Prof. Timo des Wolff, Sprecher der Jungen Akademie, konkrete Maßnahmen, die zu besseren Perspektiven in frühen Karrierephasen von Postdocs führen könnten.

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