The world population is growing constantly. Thus, the satisfaction of the growing energy demand without putting additional pressure on climate and environment presents an issue that is still unsolved and therefore becoming more and more urgent. Hydraulic, wind and solar power are innovations on the way to reduce emissions that have been implemented at least partially. Nevertheless, the necessity for further innovations and especially for the worldwide implementation of alternative energy concepts still persists.
Precisely in Brazil where more than 30 million of people could make their rise to the middle class, the demand for energy-intensive consumer goods and transportation solutions will increase dramatically. In order to prevent that this increase happens at the expense of our climate, fast action and innovative solutions are needed. In that spirit, Brazil has the possibility to assume an internationally leading role concerning the provision of alternative energies as well as to make use of its enormous potential in expanding hydraulic and wind power.
Through an ongoing public dialogue and constructive discussions we want to ensure the presence of the mentioned issues in the people’s minds as well as the development of creative ideas and solutions. With this objective experts on energy, climate and environment will take part at our round table and share their views and ideas with the audience.
Here >> you can access the programme of the ECOGERMA which will take place on the 26th and 27th of June with focus on “Innovation: management of resources, energy and mobility”.
Programme of the Round Table organized by the Konrad-Adenauer Foundation on June 27:
14:00h Opening
14:15h Round Table: “Energy, innovation, climate!“
Eduardo Viola – Professor at the University of Brasilia, advisor for climate issues at the Brazilian Foreign Ministry
João Ricardo R. Viégas – Technical expert for historic and cultural patrimony at the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the state of Rio de Janeiro
Caetano Scannavino Filho – Director and project coordinator at the NGO Saúde e Alegria
Yves Ehlert - Regional director of the DEG Mercosur office in Brazil
17:00h Closing
Here >> you can register for the event.