Expert panel
We are going through a crucial time. Forest fires, historic droughts, vertiginous floods, heat waves and strong hurricanes are just some of the news that reach our screens, shock us and then, many times, we turn the page to another juncture, however, the situation persists not with such punctual and spectacular events but indestructibly denting our future, because there will be no strategy that seeks welfare if we do not consider how to deal with climate change and biodiversity loss. That is why, every year, politicians and organizations from all over the world meet to discuss these issues and seek solutions that go beyond good intentions.
It is at this juncture that the spotlight of world environmental policy and interest will be on Latin America in 2024 and 2025, given that COP16 on Biodiversity will be held under the theme “Peace with Nature” and next year Belém will host COP30 on Climate Change.
Latin America, as we know, has unique biodiversity cores, altitudinal gradients from zero to more than 4000 meters above sea level, varied ecosystems fed by the tropical sun, contact with 3 oceans, diverse minerals in its entrails and also developed human capacities, potential and to be developed.
In general, the region has everything to be a leading player in the future, to research, establish, implement and export solutions to meet these challenges, but what is the current situation of the region at the level of international environmental policy, how could the region take the leading role it is called to be, and is it possible to imagine a region integrated to objectives that benefit all of humanity?
In order to try to resolve these questions and ask ourselves others, the EKLA Program will hold a discussion with the participation of specialists from the region to exchange ideas, experiences and together discuss the diagnosis of the reality and explore possible solutions.
Date : November 13th, 2024
Place: Hotel Dazzler Miraflores
Lima, Peru
Download the agenda: Programa - Evento COP_ EKLA KAS