The 18th edition of the State of the Future presents 15 global challenges - from sustainable development and climate change to water and sanitation; from health issues to the status of women; from science and technology to energy.
The Millennium Project, an organization originally created at the United Nations, dedicates to studies and projections on multiple themes. Its flagship publication, the State of the Future, provides an overview of the current human situation, challenges and opportunities, potential for the future and actions that can improve the condition of mankind.
The guest speaker, Jerome Glenn, is one of the two main authors of the State of the Future. He has over 40 years of Futures Research experience working for governments, international organizations, and private industry in Science & Technology Policy, Environmental Security, Economics, Education, Defense, Space, Futures Research Methodology, International Telecommunications, and Decision Support Systems with the Committee for the Future, Hudson Institute, Future Options Room, and the Millennium Project. He has addressed or keynoted conferences for over 300 government departments, universities, NGOs, UN organizations, and/or corporations around the world on a variety of future-oriented topics. Saturday Review named him among the most unusually gifted leaders of America for his pioneering work in Tropical Medicine (national Leprosy system while a Peace Corp Volunteer), Future-Oriented Education, and Participatory Decision Making Systems in 1974.
COPPE UFRJ with the support of the Regional Programme Energy Security and Climate Change in Latin America of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (EKLA-KAS) invites for an afternoon of discussions on Social Impacts of Climate Change and Scenarios for the Future on Labor and Technology (2050).
Participating in the debate: Jerome Glenn (UN Millennium); Prof. Luiz Pinguelli Rosa (Coppe); Pedro Ribeiro Barbosa (Fiocruz); and Prof. Marcos Aurélio Vasconcelos de Freitas (IVIG).
Other supporters of this event are : Coppetec Foundation, the Foundation for Scientific and Technological Development in Health (Fiotec) and the International Virtual Institute of Global Change (Ivig).
Click here to confirm your registration. The event is free and open to the public.
Portuguese-English simultaneous translation will be provided. For more information about the agenda click here.