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Blockchain-Technology and Renewable Energy

The Chilean Case - Closed Workshop, Only by Personal Invitation

During the "II Climate Week - Together against Climate Change”, a design thinking workshop on Blockchain-Technology and Renewable Energy will be held with the aim to advise and improve an existing Blockchain project in Chile.

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The concept of distributive economics isn’t something new, but it became a significant reality only in 2008 after the publication of the article "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" by Satoshi Nakamoto, which represents the mainstreaming of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Blockchain functions as a "trust protocol", or a “large ledger book”, in a shared and universal way, promoting consensus and trust in the direct communication between two or more parts without the mediation of institutions. Innumerable applications for this technology are in progress, and Renewable Energy is a propitious field to explore these benefits.

Built from the success of previous EKLA activities in the field of Blockchain technology and climate, more specifically Blockchain and Climate Finance; and Blockchain and Environmental Governance - focused on the Amazon Protection with Cryptocurrency; and Transparency in the Agricultural Chain Value -, a third design thinking workshop will now address a specific Chilean project on "Registration of Renewable Energies from Solar Rooftop Facilities with a view to CO2 saving". It will take place on October 19, in Santiago de Chile, as official event of the Climate Week 2018.

More information regarding the agenda will be available soon.

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Karina Marzano Franco

Single title
September 4, 2018
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Climate Ledger Initiative