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Effects of Biodiversity Strategies and Plans in the Andean Region

A quantitative and qualitative evaluation in Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia and Peru

Workshop With specialists in Latin America

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The Convention on Biological Diversity, one of the main instruments resulting from the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in 1992, led to important changes in the environmental institutional, policies and regulatory frameworks in the region. These adjustments meant a complete review of environmental legislation and development on biodiversity, protected areas, forestry, natural resources, institutional frameworks and climate change in Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia and Peru - which together make up one of the largest areas rich biodiversity of the planet - but the truth is that the real impacts of these strategies, programs and plans in the population and the environment are still unknown and have not been properly evaluated.

For this reason the EKLA-KAS Program and the Peruvian Society for Environmental Law (SPDA) on March 15, 2016 a workshop will be held with biodiversity specialists, law and economics environmental from Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia and Peru to exchange ideas and opinions from the perspectives of their professional experience, consolidate information and develop a methodology that will later be used in research for publication.

Event: Private

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Hotel Del Pilar, Miraflores, Lima


Giovanni Burga

Giovanni Burga

Project Manager +51 934 346 675
Logo Programa Regional EKLA KAS inglés