In search for comparative gains in scale and efficiency, some of the emerging technologies have been changing the landscape of the energy sector, especially when it comes to renewable sources. Those technologies have enabled new approaches and solutions to old issues and constraints, which positioned them as real pivots in this scenario. Among these major techs, it is important to highlight some of the most popular ones: Blockchain; Artificial Intelligence & Internet of Things.Therefore, the workshop contributed to increase the knowledge and skills among the participants, demanding a joint discussion on possible use of Blockchain technology on emerging technologies applied to the renewable energy sector.
The discussions referred to experiences already in place in the US, Europe and China, but also analyzed pilot projects and case studies in Latin America, that might contribute to the international debate and progress of the connection between emerging technologies and energy. The results of the discussions involving private and public sectors, plus academia, will be translated into policy recommendations in a final study based on the discussions held in Rio.