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Event reports

Brazilian policies for the post-2015

by Karina Marzano Franco

and the fight against climate change

The FGV/NPII's seminar in partnership with the Consulate General of Germany was held in Rio de Janeiro and began with the discussion "is it possible and/or desirable to create a pragmatic agenda made of public policy rather than simple general objectives for the Post-2015?"

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Last week, FGV's International Intelligence Unit (FGV/NPII) held a seminar to discuss issues related to public policies for sustainable development at Post-2015. Conducted in partnership with the Consulate General of Germany, under the coordination of FGV/NPII's Dean, Professor Renato Galvão Flôres Júnior and the Vice Consul, Joachim Schemel, the event follows the Center's project of analyzing, drawing perspectives and fostering dialogue and cooperation in public policies areas for sustainable development, which began with a collaboration between NPII and ASEAN Foundation, based in Jakarta, Indonesia.

These issues have been discussed at various international forums related to the Post-2015 Agenda, coordinated mainly by the Secretary General of the United Nations - as well as the Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP), which will hold its next meeting in Lima, in December this year, and in Paris, in 2015.

The event also featured the presentation of the German policy of energy matrix change, illustrating one of the most advanced decarbonization public policies today. The experts also discussed alternatives to reduce climate impact of international significance and their applications in the Brazilian context. True to its think tank mission, the NPII will produce, from this event, a Policy Paper to inform the development and improvement of the Brazilian policies for carbon reduction in the context of the Post-2015.

The event was attended by Gerhard Haase, representative of Wintershall in Brazil; Harald Klein, Consul General of Germany; Professor Renato Flôres, FGV/NPII's dean; R. Andreas Kraemer, Director of the Ecologic Institute, from Berlin; Felix Dane, director of the Regional Program on Climate Change, Environment and Energy Security in Latin America of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung; Sergio Boanada, president of the Brazil-Germany Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Rio de Janeiro; Haroldo Mattos de Lemos, president of the Brasil PNUMA Institute; Marina Drummond, an expert on sustainable development of FGV/NPII; Christian Stoffaes, president of the World Council for Sustainable Electrification and FGV representative in France; Luiz Fernando Scheibe, from the Federal University of Santa Catarina; Jürgen Beigel, director of GIZ Energy Program for Brazil; Aron Belinky, from GVCes FGV/EAESP; Ricardo Baitelo, from the Climate and Energy Campaign of Greenpeace; and Jorge Chediek, Resident Coordinator of the UN in Brazil.

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Felix Dane, KAS Director ad interim Regional Programme Climate Change, Environment and Energy Security in Latin America KAS


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