The basis and reference for this activity was based on the "1st Guide for the Implementation of Green Technologies to Promote the 2030 Agenda in Latin American Cities", seeking to align local actions with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and promote sustainability and climate mitigation.
This project is a partnership between the Regional Program Energy Security and Climate Change for Latin America (EKLA) of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) and the Brazilian Association of Professionals for Sustainable Development (ABRAPS). Barassa & Cruz and the Regional Center for Green Growth and Climate Change also played a key role in the development of the project.
We brought together 25 key stakeholders, including mayors, environmental secretaries, technicians, academics and specialists from 13 cities, representing 6 Latin American countries: Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Costa Rica and Peru. The event sought to support the city of Concepción (Chile) and other local governments in Latin America in the construction of a preliminary strategy for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, aligned with emerging green technologies such as renewable energies, electric mobility and digitalization. The presentation of the Guide was given by Natalia Moraes, Director of ABRAPS Núcleo Rio de Janeiro, who highlighted the crucial role of green technologies in achieving the SDGs, highlighting the synergies and connections between them as arrival points in this journey. We also had a panel to explore the details of the publication, as well as the intersections between technology, development and sustainability. Then, still in the morning, Andrea Aste, Secretary of Environment of Concepción, shared the experience of the Municipality of Concepción in the elaboration of its SDGs and its associated operation. After another round table discussion, we addressed the practical application of the SDGs in this and different contexts.
This first day concluded with closing remarks by Anuska Soares, EKLA Project Coordinator; Cristian Gutiérrez, Director of the Regional Center for Green Growth and Climate Change, and Álvaro Ortiz, Mayor of Concepción, who presented a copy of the Guide to the Mayor of Concepción as a thank you for his support and welcome to the initiative.
On the afternoon of the 10th and all day on the 11th, attendees attended the Green Tech Talks Training Workshop: How to implement green technologies to promote the local Agenda 2030", which was held at the Hotel Diego Almagro (Chacabuco) and was based on practical actions. Edgar Barassa, partner of Barassa & Cruz Consulting, also partner of this project, in his presentation addressed fundamental concepts and definitions to understand green technologies. In addition, the mapping of practices and knowledge in Latin America was discussed, exploring existing examples. The need to create a vision for the future of the city was addressed by Edgar Barassa, emphasizing how this vision is fundamental for the implementation of green technologies.
The afternoon of the 11th was dedicated to group dynamics, in which participants applied the concepts learned. Five multidisciplinary groups were formed, each composed of a variety of participants, including mayors, secretaries, technicians and other experts. This diverse composition allowed for a comprehensive and holistic approach to the development of green technology implementation strategies in line with the 2030 Agenda.
The Workshop provided a valuable space for collaboration and knowledge sharing among local governments in Latin America. Collaboration among the groups was one of the most striking features of the event. Mayors provided leadership and decision-making perspectives, secretaries provided expertise on public policy and coordination of municipal departments, while technicians and other specialists provided technical and practical knowledge critical to the implementation of green technologies. This interdisciplinary collaboration enriched the discussions and ensured that the proposed strategies were comprehensive and feasible. Throughout the proposed activities, the groups worked together to explore and "prototype" the concepts presented during the workshop.
The integration of Green Technologies, such as renewable energies, electric mobility and digitalization, was analyzed in a real context, considering the specific conditions of each city represented. The group dynamics encouraged the exchange of ideas, the resolution of challenges and the formulation of innovative solutions.
Relive the event here:
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