Event reports
After the results of the COP 21 in Paris, adaptability regarding climate change effects is a priority in current actions and challenges, especially for the Agricultural Sector, closely linked to Food Security, which it is not only one of the main sources of income of the world's population and the poorest rural areas but is also one of the economic sectors with the highest greenhouse gas emissions, mainly because of changes in land use and deforestation due to uncontrolled agricultural expansion.
To face the challenges and seize the opportunities for agriculture due to climate change, it is necessary to implement cross national and regional public policies focused on rural areas with fewer resources; to consider risk management from a preventive role as an indispensable actor; to make incisive training campaigns where community participation is continuous and active through knowledge enrichment from their ancestral knowledge and plan implementation and to build bridges and fair trade links so that rural producers can leave poverty.
In the following report, said points are developed simply and precisely to serve as reference for decision makers, as an example for organizations interested in the subject, and as knowledge to the general public.