Event reports
The Center for Sustainability Studies of Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGVces) and Konrad Adenauer
Foundation, through its Programme Energy Security and Climate Change in Latin America (EKLA),
organized the Latin America Carbon Pricing Forum, a two-days event held at FGV in São Paulo, Brazil.
The first day was for presentation and debate of research projects and articles, in three sessions,
and included a panel on the Brazil Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) Project. In the second
day expert and decision-makers presented their experiences and shared their knowledge about
carbon pricing mechanisms in Latin America in four panels; one of these panels embraced four
parallel sectorial sections: agribusiness, energy and transportation, forestry and industry.
The Forum provided a rich platform for interactions between academia, businesses, NGOs, decision makers and practitioners working on climate change related issues. These rich and fruitful interactions allowed for the emergence of several key messages:
- Alignment between academic research and business and policy needs.
- Policy transfer in Latin America.
- Private sector’s role as an instigator.
- Integrated mindset to tackle climate change.
- Greater regional integration is a definite win.
More information on the event and access to the presentations are available at GVces website