Event reports
Ever since the recent Bitcoin hype, blockchain as its underlying technology has become one of the most talked-about topics in the tech community. While experts agree that this technology could revolutionize not only online transactions but also many other areas of our daily lives, the topic remains abstract. The technology is still in an experimental phase and theoretical considerations regarding the possible applications of Blockchain prevail. The main question in this context is whether the use of this technology really brings added value for the particular players.
In line with the programmatic orientation of EKLA-KAS, the workshop aimed at evaluating the potential contributions of blockchain technology to greater transparency in climate finance. In order to create an explorative and creative atmosphere, we chose the so-called design thinking method as a workshop design. This workshop concept allows for an open debate in a multidisciplinary environment and therefore it fits perfectly with the innovative character of blockchain technology.
After the welcome words of Dr. Christian Hübner (Director EKLA-KAS), Renato Flôres (FGV IIU) and Luiza Mesquita (ITS), Fulvio Xavier of Smartchains, Brasil led the discussion. The workshop was divided into the following four panels: Empathy, Define, Ideas and Framework / Feedback. The first step was to put blockchain technology into the context of climate finance and to identify the key challenges in order to then discuss blockchain's potential for more transparency in climate finance. The panels were completed by the input of the attending experts from the areas of climate finance, IT, banking, startups and anti-corruption.
The workshop was the kick-off to further blockchain events this year and served as the starting point for a survey to be published later this year. More Information will follow shortly.