Event reports
The event began with the words of Mr. Reinhard Willig, Head of the KAS office in Peru, who welcomed the Programme which will run in parallel with the KAS Office he leads. Also, he briefly explained the differences of a Regional Programme and a National Office, where the first one coordinates actions in neighboring countries on themes of shared interest and objectives with regional impact. For example: the Regional Social Policy Programme in Latin America (SOPLA) based in Chile, the Regional Programme Political Parties and Democracy in Latin America based in Uruguay, the Regional Programme for Indigenous Participation Policy in Latin America (PPI) based in Bolivia, and now the Regional Programme Energy Security and Climate Change in Latin America based in Peru.
Then Dr. Christian Hübner, Head of the Regional Programme, thanked the participants and outlined the objectives and scope of the Programme, which considers revolution of hydrocarbons (with emphasis on oil prices down), the growth nuclear energy, the fossil energy investment, the growth of renewable energy, the energy efficiency, global energy demand with greenhouse gas emissions, natural disasters, shortage of water and electricity. These concepts are integrated and make the research and advocacy aspects of energy security and climate change, which are vital for survival of human beings, seeking to be a global scenario of social justice, dignity and respect rights for future generations. Latin America is an important region in global politics, both in terms of natural resources that exist (raw materials, fuel reserves and the Amazon as a bastion of environmental regulation) and in the natural and social effects of climate change (extreme climates, told between droughts and operation of hydroelectric, etc.). All of the above justifies the program is located in this part of the world.
The program will seek to fulfill the role of being a center of thematic expertise, consulting and dialogue to work with decision-makers, civil society and political parties. This will achieve three main objectives: the challenges of climate change at the local municipal level, energy security and geopolitics, and the energy dialogue between Latin America, Europe and Germany. These objectives are expected to be achieved through consultations, political dialogue, studies, articles and publications.
Finally, as close to the event, a toast of honor was held in an atmosphere of cordiality and friendship, with the assistants Mr. Jörg Ranau (German Ambassador of Peru), Ms. Petra Schmidt (Head of Development Cooperation the German Embassy in Peru), Ms. Emmanuelle Boissier (official of the Embassy of France in Peru), Mr. Jaime Cabrera (Ministry of Environment of Peru), Mr. Mesías Guevara (Congress of the Republic of Peru) and representatives of allied to the Foundation and the Partido Popular Cristiano: IDEI Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Universidad del Pacífico, CHS Alternativo, Conservación Internacional, Libélula, INICAM, A2G Climate Partners and ALUMNI Association. Besides being a time of reunion and strengthening of ties between allies and partners of the Foundation, it was also the scene to meet representatives of institutions with similar goals and ideals to the programme, that augurs future strategic alliances to achieve joint projects.