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Asia and the Pacific

Interaktive Karten

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Asia and the Pacific The Asia-Pacific has shown the most dynamic growth in the world for decades. Connecting Germany and Europe with this region is increasingly important. Through 21 country offices and seven regional programmes, KAS aims to build bridges between the Asia-Pacific region and Europe – based on our values, and centered around security, democracy and innovation.


The Asia & Pacific region

The Asia-Pacific is characterized by a unique diversity of political structures and  governance systems. Being present in almost every country in the region, our topics, partners and methods reflect this diversity.

We create a networking platform to connect decision-makers and support political dialogue between the Asia-Pacific and Europe. In a deeply connected world, we strengthen the structures of international cooperation crucial for economic well-being, political stability and security. As highlighted in the Indo-Pacific Guidelines of the German Government, our country seeks to actively strengthen the regional and international rules-based order in the Indo-Pacific. To this end, we closely cooperate with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and ‘Partners across the Globe‘, such as Australia, India, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea. 

As a political think tank our Foundation engages in capacity building to foster democratic structures and sustainable development in - and with - the Asia-Pacific. As the region‘s more industrialized nations face many challenges similar to Germany and Europe, we share knowledge and find solutions to the pressing problems of our time, such as climate change, resource scarcity and demographic challenges.

A German Pivot to Indo-Pacific? Opinions from the region on the Indo-Pacific Guidelines of the German Government

Read more


Our core activities centre around the following focus themes:


  • Foreign and security policy dialogue and networks building within the region, as well as with Germany and Europe
  • Dialogue on climate change and energy security

Participation and Representation

  • Supporting the creation of sustainable democratic structures, strengthening constitutional reform, and engaging in peace building processes
  • Cooperation with political center parties on the ideas of rule of law, human rights and promote political participation
  • Capacity building for civil society actors and the media


  • Observing digitalization processes and enhancing expert exchange on frameworks and incentives for (digital) value-added-creation and delivery


Our work in Berlin

The Asia and Pacific Department is responsible for the strategy development and administration of all Foundation offices and regional programmes abroad in Asia-Pacific. It provides country-specific, first-hand experiences to the public debate in Germany and Europe – to parliaments, domestic and foreign government bodies, think tanks, civil society actors and the media. Through exchanges with representatives from the region we further provide deep insights into German and European politics.

Stay updated about our work abroad and in Berlin via our facebook page.

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Topic pages of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

We are significantly involved in the following KAS-wide thematic pages. Here you will regularly find various contributions (including publications and events) from our department.

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China's Role in the World

Germany and the Indo-Pacific

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Christian Echle

Christian Echle

Head of the Department Asia and Pacific +49 (0) 30 26996 3534


Team member

Lewe Paul

Lewe Paul KAS

Policy Advisor for Asia and Pacific (India, Southwest Asia, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines) +49 30 - 26996 - 3764
Team member

Dr. habil. Karsten Grabow

Dr. habil. Karsten Grabow

Policy Advisor for Asia and Pacific (Political Dialogue, Media Programme, Rule of Law Programme, Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia) +49 30 26996-3246 +49 30 26996-53246
Team member

David Merkle

David Merkle bild

Policy Advisor for Asia and Pacific (Beijing, Shanghai, RECAP) +49 30 - 26996 3804 +86 21 6249-4549
Team member

Max Duckstein

Portrait von Max Duckstein

Program Coordinator for Asia and Pacific (Australia/Pacific, Japan/SOPAS, Korea, Kazakhstan, Central Asia)

Amos Helms

Amos Helms

Desk Officer for Asia in the Department International Dialogue Programs +49 30 26996-3440 +49 30 26996-3558

Silka Baum

Secretary / Assistant for Asia in the Department International Dialogue Programs +49 30 26996-3600

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Publications on this topic

Das südkoreanische Parlament tagt in Seoul IMAGO / Xinhua

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Syrian tank and soldier IMAGO / ZUMA Press Wire

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Climate change, energy security, and economic growth

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Parliamentary elections in Uzbekistan

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