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REUTERS/Soe Zeya Tun

Germany and the Indo-Pacific

Germany and the Indo-Pacific

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Our commitment in the Indo-Pacific is not about being against something or someone, but about standing up for something together: It's about acting together. And about resolving potential conflicts peacefully and in partnership

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Former Minister of Defence (on the occasion of the departure of the frigate Bayern on 02.08.2021 in Wilhelmshafen)

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At a glance

  • The global significance of the Indo-Pacific has greatly increased, to which the German Federal Government has responded with the “Indo-Pacific Guidelines”. These guidelines aim to make relationships in the region more diverse.
  • Scarcely any other region is currently developing as dynamically as the Indo-Pacific. There is competition for sources of raw materials, trading routes and strategic access to land and water.
  • China is confidently pursuing power-political ambitions in the region and thus increasingly comes into conflict with the neighbouring states, the USA and Japan.
  • Our longstanding local commitment enables us to strengthen connections between Germany, Europe and the Indo-Pacific. Our areas of focus in the region are multilateralism, security, rule of law, climate, energy, economy, free trade and digital transformation.



1. Germany's foreign policy in the Indo-Pacific region

2. Geostrategic relevance of the region

3. Engagement of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung on site

4. Publications, events and media contributions on the topic


Germany's foreign policy in the Indo-Pacific region

The geostrategic and geoeconomic importance of the Indo-Pacific region has steadily increased in recent years and decades. The German government responded to this development in September 2020 with the "Guidelines on the Indo-Pacific," placing the foreign policy focus on the geographic and thematic diversification of relations with the region. Behind this is also Germany's self-declared ambition to play a key role in shaping the relatively new political concept of the Indo-Pacific - not least in response to calls from the region for greater German engagement in the region. Established partnerships, including with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), as well as with Germany's "likeminded partners" in the region, create the framework for more intensive multilateral cooperation. Germany is thus committed to strengthening the international rules-based order.


Geostrategic relevance of the region

Few regions are developing as dynamically as the Indo-Pacific. This region between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific, which is not uniformly defined, is home to the world's fastest-growing economies and, with the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the world's largest free trade zone. The Strait of Malacca in Southeast Asia is considered the most important sea route in the globalized world. In the strategically highly tense region, there is increasing competition for sources of raw materials, trade routes and strategic access by land and sea. China is expanding its presence in the region and asserting self-confident power-political ambitions. Many littoral states see themselves under increasing pressure and are developing security strategies for the region. Japan and the United States were instrumental in coining the term Indo-Pacific. India and Australia at the same time are pursuing an increasingly proactive foreign policy and are targeting more cooperation with ASEAN or the partners in the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad).


Engagement of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung on site

With a strong presence and long-term commitment in the region, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung contributes to the stronger interconnection and dialogue of Germany and Europe with the region. KAS is active in a broad thematic spectrum and maintains an extensive network. Thematically, the focus particularly, but not exclusively lies on multilateralism, security, rule of law, climate and energy, economy and free trade as well as the digital transformation.

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Christian Echle

Christian Echle

Head of the Department Asia and Pacific +49 (0) 30 26996 3534
International Reports
September 28, 2021
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Publications, events and media contributions on the topic

Our contributions are as wide-ranging and multifaceted as the topic itself!

Whether it's an expert interview, specialist publication or hot debate - click through and you're guaranteed to find the right format for you!


Event Reports on the topic

Event Reports on the topic

27-Mar Roundtable Discussion PIC09

Strengthening Economic Security

European and Southeast Asian Perspectives on Navigating the New Normal in Global Supply Chains


NPI-KAS Seminar on Economic Security


ISAS-KAS Workshop: The IPEF and the Contours of Economic Security in the Indo-Pacific

15-Feb Roundtable Discussion PIC 11

Steering the Course of Digitalization

A Thai-German Exchange on Chances & Challenges of Digital Economy

CDU CSU Delegation Visit 2024

Visit of a Delegation of CDU/CSU Members of the Bundestag

CDU-LDP Party Dialogue_Linnemann Visit

LDP-CDU Party Dialogue

KAS Lecture 2023

6th Konrad Adenauer Lecture

‘Security Issues for the Pacific Region’

Dialogue Program EU-ASEAN as Strategic Partners for Growth and Prosperity

MP Gunther Krichbaum's Visit in Thailand


Report Young-IPRI Workshop “Why Conflicts Continue”


NMF-KAS Symposium on Climate Change Threats to Critical Maritime Infrastructure


- by NMF-KAS India


CII-KAS Webinar Proceedings "India and Germany: Boosting Labour Mobility"

-by CII-KAS India

Marion Sendker im Gespräch mit Dr. Adrian Haack

75 Jahre nach der Unabhängigkeit: Indiens Perspektive im globalen Machtgefüge

Eine Bilanz des 35. #HessenKAS Facebook-Live am 21.09.2022

Paneldiskussion Vietnam als Partner Deutschlands für eine regelbasierte internationale Ordnung KAS

„Vietnam als Partner Deutschlands für eine regelbasierte internationale Ordnung?"

Andreas Noll, Dr. Hans-Dieter Heumann, Marie Krpata

Die französische EU-Ratspräsidentschaft – Agenda und Erwartungen

Eine Bilanz des 29. #HessenKAS Facebook-Live vom 01.02.2022 und Auftakt unserer Veranstaltungsreihe "Französische Wochen in Europa und Hessen".

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group picture

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Media library

#KAS4Security Strategic Outlook in Asia

Strategic Outlook in Asia

"Understanding China": Strategic Outlook in Asia ahead of US presidential election with Prof. Kuik Cheng-Chwee and Veerle Nouwens.

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60 years of international work by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

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Interview mit Alexander Badenheim

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