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Middle East and North Africa

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The Middle East and North Africa are undergoing a period of profound upheaval, accompanied by political, social and economic crises, increasingly fragile statehood, as well as violent conflicts and escalating regional tensions. The protracted and complex processes of change within the countries and the geopolitical realignment of the regional order are open-ended. Overall, since the "Arab Spring" of 2010/2011, a destabilization of the region and a further erosion of statehood, including modern forms of authoritarian rule, can be observed. The structural causes for the emergence of the protest movements a decade ago – socioeconomic marginalization and a lack of promising prospects for the future, especially among youth – continue to exist and are being discharged again in month-long unrests across the region. In some countries, growing discontent and a lack of opportunities for economic and political participation are also manifesting themselves increasingly in social and ideological polarization and social divisions. The socioeconomic situation is deteriorating in many states. The consequences of these developments also affect Germany and Europe in matters such as security and economy. In addition, other external actors, such as Russia and the People’s Republic of China, are expanding their influence in the region, while the European Union's ability to shape policy in its southern neighborhood is increasingly limited. “Value partners” in the region are therefore particularly relevant for Europe in these times. A glimmer of hope and an important starting point for German political cooperation are above all the democratic and reform-oriented forces that often come from the younger generation, civil society or the private sector. They are increasingly confidently raising their voices to help shape the future order in their countries and the region.


Our work in the region

Extensive transformation processes must be accompanied at as many levels as possible.  The activities of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in the region are aimed at structural changes as well as at strengthening and empowering social actors and institutions that advocate change. This not only contributes to the urgently needed stabilization of the region, but can also advance truly sustainable development. In doing so, KAS is guided by the objectives of German foreign, security and development policy as well as its Christian Democratic mission statement characterized by the values of freedom, justice and solidarity. Following its three core themes (Representative Democracy/ Participation, Innovation and Security), the Foundation creates and maintains unique dialogue platforms and networks, thereby strengthening exchange, confidence-building and understanding within the respective countries, between the various regional actors, as well as between Germany and Europe on the one hand and the Middle East and North Africa on the other.

To this end, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is active in North Africa and the Middle East with nine country offices (Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Israel, the Palestinian Territories, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey), a regional program for the Gulf States based in Amman and two regional programs covering rule of law and political dialogue and regional integration in the southern.


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Selected projects of our department

Exclusive and selected projects of our department (possibly in cooperation with other departments or external partners) are presented in the following overview.

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The conflict in Yemen

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Topic pages of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

We are significantly involved in the following KAS-wide thematic pages. Here you will regularly find various contributions (including publications and events) from our department.

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Upheavals and Transformation in the Middle East and in North Africa

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Dr. Thomas Volk


Head of the "Middle East and North Africa" department


Team member

Christina Baade

Portrait von Christina Baade

Desk Officer in the Department Middle East and North Africa +49 30 26996-3611 +49 30 26996-3558
Team member

Marcel Serr

Desk Officer Middle East & North Africa +49 30 26996-3737
Team member

Rafael Merz

Portrait Rafael Merz

Country Officer in the Middle East and North Africa Department +49 30 26996-3788
+49 151 6274 9872

Jasmin Agné

Jasmin Agné

Administration Assistant for the Middle East and North Africa Department +49 30 26996-3573 +49 30 26996-53573

Hasret Vatansever

Portraitfoto von Hasret Vatansever

Administration Assistant for the Middle East and North Africa Department +49 30 26996-3881 +49 30 26996-53573

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Publications on this topic

Ahmed al-Scharaa trifft jordanischen Außenminister Ayman Safadi IMAGO / APAimages

Regional Implications of the Fall of Assad

How do Jordan and Iraq React?

Moroccan cannons IMAGO / Panthermedia

Between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean: Morocco's maritime security strategy

Complex transnational challenges for the country's maritime security

Lebanese President Joseph Aoun IMAGO / ZUMA Press Wire

A new president for Lebanon in crisis

After more than two years of deadlock, the office of president has been filled again. The first step on a long road to state renewal?

Syrians celebrate the fall of the Assad regime IMAGO / SOPA Images

A Window of Opportunity for Syria

After more than 50 years, the rule of the Assad family is coming to an end. This is cause for celebration. But Syria faces huge challenges.

Trump Wahlsieg IMAGO / Newscom / GDA

Reactions from the Middle East and North Africa to the US elections

Hope, pragmatism and concern

The heads of state and government of the EU and the Gulf states for a group photo during the first summit meeting IMAGO / ANP

The first summit between the EU and GCC ends without breakthroughs

Strategic partnership with little results

Hostages and Missing Square Kikar Hahatufim Yossipik, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Israel one year after the Hamas terror attack

One war, multiple fronts

Parlamentswahlen in Jordanien, Wahlplakate am 26. August 2024 Imago / Xinhua

Daring More Democracy in Jordan

In the Shadow of the War in Gaza, the Hashemite Kingdom Elects a New Parliament

Fregatte Hessen IMAGO / Manfred Segerer

Escalation in the Red Sea

The military dimension, the deployment of the Bundeswehr and the calculus of regional players

Karte von Nordafrika und der Sahel-Region IMAGO / Pond5 Images

New geopolitical alliances in the Sahel region

The geopolitical balances are shifting in the Sahel region.

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Media library

New episode of „Auslandsinfo. Spotlight“

Regional power Turkey: geopolitical winner in the Middle East?

Turkey, often described as a bridge between Europe and Asia, is a key player in the Middle East. But what are the central lines of Turkish foreign policy?

New episode of „Auslandsinfo. Spotlight“

Epochal change in the Middle East? On the fall of the Assad regime in Syria

For decades, the Assad regime determined Syria's fate - and in the end it collapsed within days. How great is the risk that things will not change for the better?

Podcast with Dr. Matthias Becker about Antisemitism Online

KAS/TLV1 Podcast

Dr Matthias Becker discusses his Decoding Antisemitism project, using novel scholarly and technological tools to monitor and analyze online hate speech.

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New episode of „Auslandsinfo. Spotlight“

The "forgotten" catastrophe: On the war in Sudan

With a view to the war in Sudan, observers say it is currently the largest humanitarian crisis in the world. But what are the underlying causes of the conflict?

Dr. Gorawantschy zur Justizreform in der Tagespost

1:0 für Netanjahu

Die Justizreform in Israel ist ein Drama in mehreren Akten – das als Tragödie enden könnte

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