Daily consumption of many food items, thus nutritious intake, support the functioning of one’s organism. In different cultures, food is also known to gather people around one single table as a means for social interaction. Besides being a necessity and a mean for social interaction, food has become also a source of income for many members of communities in urban and rural areas. But until these food items get served to us for consumption it undergoes through a complex system referred to as food system. A food system includes “the chains of market and non-market activities and actors connecting food production, aggregation, transportation and storage, processing and catering, distribution, preparation and consumption”. Nevertheless, the food systems go beyond these activities, such as the management of food waste and food loss, packaging, fertilizers, etc. All of these activities and actors that interact with each other create a very complex system which in most cases (as observed worldwide) is not sustainable. So, the big challenge of the last decade is how we can transform the conventional food systems into those that are sustainable and inclusive. This challenge is present also in Kosovo. Food system is faced with many obstacles, as such lack of monitoring of food production, highly processed food items that do not promote healthy and nutritious diet, poor food waste management, to name a few. This imposes problems in 3 dimensions, such as social, economic and environmental. Sustainable food production and consumption, alongside the development of rural areas and farmers, are also foreseen in the regional agreements and declarations for the Western Balkans in which case Kosovo is involved too. This publication will analyze the problems and challenges of Kosovo in this regard and will give recommendations on what can be done to advance this matter.