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One Year Inflation Reduction Act

by Max Grünig

Initial Outcomes and Impacts for US-EU Trade and Investment

Max Gruenig is a Senior Policy Advisor at the E3G Washington Office. We asked him to gather initial evidence of impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act on cleantech trade and investment. One of his conclusions: “Overall, the IRA is expected to only have a marginal impact on the transatlantic economy, while contributing to the decarbonization in the US and, by extension, the global transition to net zero.”

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In his Executive Summary Max Gruenig points out: “It is very likely, based on the available studies, that the significant domestic and foreign investments displace other investments. That is, rather than adding growth in investments in net zero infrastructure to the fossil economy, we should see a greening of the economy while it continues on its long-term growth path. 


The views, conclusions and recommendations expressed in this report are solely those of its author and do not reflect the views of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, or its employees. 

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Alessia Sarasino

Alessia Sarasino

Program Manager +1 202 464 5852


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