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Specialist conference

Kiel Security Conference 2025

Stormy Seas and Silver Linings: New Realities in the Baltic and Beyond

in cooperation with The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) and Hermann-Ehlers-Stiftung (HES)

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Cafe Kyiv 2025

We choose freedom

For more than 1,000 days, Ukrainians have been fighting tirelessly for their and our freedom. With this in mind, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, together with numerous partner organisations, is organising the third edition of ‘Cafe Kyiv’ at the Colosseum Berlin on 11 March 2025.

Expert panel

Subsahara-Afrika in der Schuldenfalle?

Ursachen, Perspektiven und Lösungsmöglichkeiten

Expert panel




Berlin Belarus Future Forum

“A democratic Belarus in the European Family”

Over four years have passed since the fraudulent elections and state violence in Belarus sparked unprecedented peaceful protests and opened a new chapter in the society’s struggle for democracy. Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya as well as thousands of her voters and supporters were forced into exile from where they continue their work. Ever since, the Western world has developed new mechanisms of support for them while largely cutting its relations with the Lukashenka-regime. For Germany, the resolution passed by the German Bundestag in November 2023 defined the country’s position in an exemplary manner including many concrete calls for action towards the federal government. At the Berlin Belarus Future Forum, we want to take a look at the present situation in Belarus together with our partners but also take stock of where Germany and Europe stand in their support for democratic Belarus just a few months before the regime’s next presidential “elections”. After the podium discussion you will have a chance to listen to some Belarusian music by rock legend Lavon Volski and attend the world premiere of the Belarus Block Buster “7 Symtoms of Belaruskast” (see below).


fully booked

F.A.Z.-KAS-Debatte 2024

America first? Wie sich die Welt auf die neue US-Administration vorbereitet

Die Folgen der US-Wahl auf die internationale Sicherheit, Wirtschaft und Handel: Diesen Themen widmet sich die diesjährige F.A.Z.-KAS-Debatte zur Internationalen Politik. Am 1. Oktober wollen wir ab 18.30 Uhr mit unseren prominenten Podiumsgästen und mit Ihnen in der Alten Aula der Universität Heidelberg diskutieren.



Israel and Germany. One year after October 7th.

7 October 2024 marks the first year after Hamas' horrific attack on Israel. We want to take this commemoration day as an opportunity to send a strong message in favour of Israel's right to exist, for Jewish life in Germany and against antisemitism. We will speak out against hatred of Jews worldwide. Together with guests from Israel and Germany as well as partner organisations, we are organising a conference at the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Academy on September 30, 2024 with a mixture of lectures, panels, workshops, art and culture. For us, one thing is certain: hatred of Jews is incompatible with the values of our country, and we must not accept in our society that Jews no longer feel safe.

Expert panel

The Art of War and Peace:

Understanding our Choices in a World At War

Expert panel

Through the eyes of our neighbours:

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is inviting selected experts to this close-door event and engage with the prize-winners of the KAS African local journalism award 2024.


The KAS Day 2024

Democracy protects. Protects democracy.

Expert panel


3. Session: EU Policies on Migration and African Interests

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KAS Malaysia

Disability Rights & Advocacy: Building a More Equitable Nation

KAS Malaysia and the Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM) host their first Disability & Advocacy Event

On 25th February 2025, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Malaysia and the Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM) hosted their first-ever event on disability inclusion, titled “Disability Rights & Advocacy: Building a More Equitable Nation.” The conference brought together over 120 participants, including industry leaders, policymakers, and advocates, to discuss strategies for creating a more inclusive workforce and society for persons with disabilities.


Cafe Kyiv 2025: ‘We stand by the side of Ukraine’

With this message, Prof Dr Norbert Lammert opened the third Cafe Kyiv and, together with 5,000 guests, he sent a strong signal of solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

The interest in the third edition of Cafe Kyiv on 11 March 2025 at the Colosseum Berlin was once again immense. Around 5000 visitors came together under the motto ‘We choose freedom’. With 130 partner organisations, 100 event formats and nine stages, the event offered a unique mix of politics, science, innovation and networking. In particular, cultural highlights such as the pop-up market, film screenings and exhibitions enabled everyone to experience Ukraine. The numerous guests included members of parliament Knut Abraham, Roderich Kiesewetter, Jürgen Hardt, Anton Hofreiter, Katrin Göring-Eckardt and Michael Roth, the Ukrainian ambassador Oleksii Makeiev, Berlin's Senator for Culture Joe Chialo, ARD correspondent Vassili Golod, Ukrainians Serhiy Prytula, Maksym Butkevych and Olha Kuryshko as well as other high-calibre representatives from politics, business and culture.

Gemeinsam nach vorne schauen

9. Westbalkan-Botschafterkonferenz

Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung unterstützt seit vielen Jahren den EU-Beitrittsprozess der Westbalkan-Länder. Eines unserer herausragendsten Formate ist die Westbalkan-Botschafterkonferenz. In diesem Jahr übernahmen die albanische Botschafterin in Deutschland, I. E. Adia Sakiqi, und der ungarische Botschafter in Deutschland, S. E. Dr. Péter Györkös, die Doppelschirmherrschaft.

Austausch mit dem Ministerpräsidenten Nordmazedoniens

EU-Beitrittsprozess muss zügig vorangehen

Nordmazedonien ist ein verlässlicher NATO-Partner. Auch deshalb war es uns eine besondere Freude, den Ministerpräsidenten Nordmazedoniens, Hristijan Mickoski, zu einem Austausch in der Zentrale der KAS zu empfangen.

Deutsch-Indische Synergien für die Zukunft

5. Konferenz des Indo-German Young Laders Forum (IGYLF) in Berlin

Zum fünften Mal nach der Eröffnungskonferenz 2017 fand das Indo-German Young Leaders Forum (IGYLF) in Berlin statt. Am Rande des Berlin-Besuchs des indischen Außenministers Dr. S. Jaishankar und im Vorfeld der 7. deutsch-indischen Regierungskonsultationen (IGC) in Delhi im Oktober 2024, unterstrich der Zeitpunkt die Bedeutung der weiteren Vertiefung der bilateralen Beziehungen. Seit der Gründung einer strategischen Partnerschaft im Jahr 2000 haben Indien und Deutschland ihre Zusammenarbeit stetig erweitert.

"Wenn wir wirtschaftlich keine Rolle spielen, spielen wir auch politisch keine Rolle"

Bei der F.A.Z.-KAS-Debatte diskutieren Experten über die Wahlen in den USA und ihre möglichen Folgen. Auf Europa sehen sie große Herausforderungen zukommen.

Es sind nur noch wenige Wochen bis zur Präsidentschaftswahl in den USA – und auch in Europa blickt man dem 5. November mit zunehmender Anspannung entgegen. Zieht Donald Trump tatsächlich noch einmal ins Weiße Haus ein? Was würde das für die westliche Unterstützung der Ukraine und die Zukunft der Nato bedeuten? Wie groß sind die Unterschiede zwischen Kamala Harris und Trump, wenn es um Themen wie den Umgang mit China geht? Und welchen Weg werden die USA in der Wirtschaftspolitik einschlagen?

TACHELES: ‘Indifference is no option’

TACHELES - Israel and Germany. One year after 7 October.

October 7th marks the first anniversary of Hamas' horrific attack on Israel. We are taking this as an opportunity to set an example for Israel's right to exist, for Jewish life in Germany and against antisemitism ahead of the upcoming commemoration. To this end, a conference was held at our academy on 30 September 2024 in which we, together with partners, representatives from politics, science and culture as well as guests from Israel and Germany, highlighted the special relationship between Germany and Israel, reflected on the implications of the terrorist attack and discussed how we can effectively combat antisemitism in Germany. In short: we spoke Tacheles! Guests included Ron Prosor, Ambassador of Israel to the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr Josef Schuster, President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Dr Felor Badenberg, Senator for Justice and Consumer Protection of the State of Berlin, Joe Chialo, Senator for Culture and Social Cohesion of the State of Berlin, Ricarda Louk, whose daughter Shani was murdered by Hamas at the Nova Festival, the artist Halina Hildebrand, Hanna Veiler, President of the Jewish Student Union Germany and many other interesting discussion partners. Reuven Rivlin, the former President of Israel, addressed our guests with a video statement.


Rule of Law Program Southeast Europe in the final round of the World Justice Challenge in Chicago

International recognition for the "Leaders for Justice" project

On August 1, Doru Toma and Dr. Pavel Usvatov presented the "Leaders for Justice" project at the World Justice Challenge in Chicago. The World Justice Project selected 30 of the most innovative and impactful projects from a total of 424 applications from 109 countries. "Leaders for Justice" is one of the seven finalists in the "Youth Engagement" category.

Jan Kulke/KAS

Kiel Security Conference 2024

“Critical Junctures – the Future of the North”

During the Kiel Security Conference on 22nd June 2024, high-ranking political and military representatives discussed the evolving security landscape in the Baltic region and the High North, in light of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and geopolitical shifts. Calling for faster military modernisation, strengthened resilience of societies and readiness to respond to the growing number of threats. 

KAS / Edgar Nemschok

„Die NATO ist nicht nur ein Verteidigungsbündnis, sie ist auch ein Bündnis gemeinsamer Werte.“

Bericht zur XII. Adenauer Konferenz am 16. Mai 2024

Am zweiten Tag der XII. Adenauer-Konferenz stand die Stärkung des europäischen Pfeilers in der NATO und die Zukunft des Bündnisses im Fokus. Neben dem 75. Jahrestag der Gründung der NATO warf die Konferenz auch den Blick auf die 20-jährige Mitgliedschaft Rumäniens im Verteidigungsbündnis.