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Stress Test for Freedom: Public Resilience in Times of Islamist Terrorism

2. Experts Seminar on Countering Islamist Extremism

Strategies and Experiences - A Cooperation with AJC

Asset Publisher


The event will be simultaneously translated into English / German.

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8:30 a.m.


9:00 a.m.


  • Dr. Gerhard Wahlers

    Deputy Secretary General

    Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung / Berlin

  • Deidre Berger

    Director of the Ramer Institute

    American Jewish Committee / Berlin

9:15 a.m.

Counter-Radicalization: Strategies in the Fight Against Islamist Ideology

How does radicalization take place today, including through social media? In what ways can we "immunize" youth and young adults against radical ideologies? What tools and approaches have already proven successful? What is the role of the family and the social environment? What role can social groups and Muslim religious communities play?

  • Aaron Y. Zelin

    Fellow Washington Institute for Near East Policy / Washington

  • Honey Deihimi

    Head of the Social Integration Division

    Office of the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration at the Federal Chancellery / Berlin

  • Berna Kurnaz


    Counter- and De-Radicalization Network Kitab / Bremen

  • Thomas Volk

    Coordinator for Islam and religious dialogue

    Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung / Berlin


Dr. Kristina Eichhorst

Coordinator for Crisis and Conflict Management

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung / Berlin

11:00 a.m.

Coffee Break

11:15 a.m.

Between Panic and Recklessness: Responsible Handling of the Terrorist Threat. Experiences from Israel, France and Germany

How should public authorities deal with safety precautions? How much information can you share with citizens? How much information must you share? What role does the public play in the fight against terrorism? Are there sensible rules of conduct that should be made public? What role do the media play in this topic? Do media reports play into the hands of terrorists? Is the overall terror threat overestimated?

  • Stéphane Lacombe

    Deputy Director

    French Association for the Victims of Terrorism / Paris

  • Col. (ret.) Dr. Yechiel Soffer

    C-Defense, Israel

    Former Head of the Civil Defense Department

    Israeli Defense Forces Homefront Command / Tel Aviv

  • Yassin Musharbash


    Die ZEIT / Berlin


Leonard B. Kaminski

Mideast Affairs Coordinator

AJC Berlin Ramer Institute / Berlin

1:00 p.m.


2:00 p.m.

The Fine Line Between Security and Freedom: Experiences from Belgium, Israel, Germany, and the EU with the Instruments of Internal Security

How can a state manage safety and security and at the same time avoid establishing a surveillance-state? What instruments of state security have proven particularly effective and proportionate? To what extent may public life be limited in the face of acute threats? Are there any "lessons learned" from recent experiences (e.g. the 'Brussels lockdown')? Can and should cooperation between security agencies within and outside the EU be stepped up? What improvements in this regard are to be expected from the recently established Anti-Terrorism Centre on the European level?

  • Claudia Gorf

    Chief Prosecutor at the Federal Court of Justice

    Department of the Attorney General at the Federal Court of Justice / Berlin

  • Sima Shein

    Former Deputy Director General

    Israeli Ministry for Strategic Affairs

    Former Head

    Research Department of the Mossad / Israel

  • Salvatore Cannata

    Case Analyst

    EUROJUST / The Hague

  • Dr. Sven Eiffler

    Head of Division Terrorism and Extremism

    Federal Chancellery / Berlin


Olaf Wientzek

Coordinator for European Policy

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung / Berlin

3:45 p.m.

Closing Remarks

Deidre Berger

Director of the Ramer Institute

American Jewish Committee / Berlin

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10785 Berlin
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AJC Berlin