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Preparing Today's Scholars for Tomorrows' Society: Our Problems, Our Resources, Our Solutions

Preparing Today's Scholars for Tomorrows' Society: Our Problems, Our Resources, Our Solutions

KAS-Ghana office organized a 3-Day workshop in Cape Coast for KAS Scholars. The event, under the theme "Preparing Today's Scholars for Tomorrows' Society: Our Problems, Our Resources, Our Solutions" brought together KAS supported scholars pursuing various graduate degrees in universities across Ghana to the Central Regional capital to brief each other on their various research activities, engage in community development activities through the use of the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) model. The scholars took opportunity to visit the Cape Coast Castle and the Kakum National park as part of their networking and tourism activity.

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Elmina Beach Resort, Cape Coast


  • Dr. Patrick Tandoh Offin (GIMPA) Hon. Lawyer Solomon Ebo Appiah (MCE KEEA Municipal Assembly)

    Dr. Joseph Darmoe


    Programme Director +233 302 768629

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