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Expert panel

Europe under Pressure

Meeting the Challenges of International Migration

International Conference on Migration and Refugee Challenges organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Greece and the Krispis Foundation for International Legal Studies

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17.00hRegistration and coffee

17.30hWelcome and introduction

Susanna Vogt

Head of Greece Office, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Dr. Anastasia Samara-Krispi

President of the Professor Elias Krispis and Dr. Samara-Krispi Foundation for International Legal Studies

17.45h Session I: The European Strategy in meeting the challenges of migration

The Debate on Migration from a European Perspective

Frank Engel MEP

Member of the European Parliament, Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), Luxemburg

European Commission’s Strategy on Migration

Monika Ekström

Head of Sector - Political Reporting and Policy Analysis in the Representation of the European Commission in Greece

The Allocation of Responsibilities in the Management of Migratory Flows in the European Union

Maria Stavropoulou

Director of the Asylum Service, Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction

Discussion – Moderator: Angelos Athanasopoulos, Journalist – To Vima

19.00hSession II: Border countries and destination countries – Which policy to be pursued?

Case studies and impact of current regulations on irregular migration in Italy and other EU countries

Dr. Ugo Ferruta

Justice of Peace, Rome, Criminal and Migration Sections, Vice-President of European Movement International

Dealing with Migration and Asylum - The German perspective

Katharina Senge

Coordinator for Immigration and Integration, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Berlin

Defining who is a Refugee – Recent Developments

Prof. Dr. Antonis Bredimas

Professor of International Law, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Revisiting the Dublin Regulation: Is this a Panacea for the Reform of EU-Asylum System?

Dr. Euthimios Papastavridis

Law School, Democritus University of Thrace, Komotini

Discussion and Conclusions – Moderator: Angelos Syrigos, Assistant Professor of International Law & Foreign Policy, Panteion University

Interpretation: Greek-English

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Europe under Pressure: Meeting the Challenges of International Migration
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Jeroen Kohls

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Senior Research Associate +81 3 6426 5041
Fluechtlinge Mazedonien MYLA, Mazedonien

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Stiftung für Internationale Rechtliche Studien von Prof. Krispis und Dr