Expert panel
Afghanistan in Transition: Seminar 2
Governance, Counter-Corruption and Development
RUSI, Transparency International UK and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS)
Monday, 31 January
0845 Registration and coffee
0915Welcome Remarks
Dr Jonathan Eyal, Director International Security Studies, RUSI,
Claudia Crawford, Director, London Office, KAS
Mark Pyman, Programme Director, TI-UK
0930Prospects for Enduring Partnership: The Lisbon Commitment
What is the nature of the NATO-Afghanistan agreement and its key components: Afghan Co-operation Programme; Building Integrity Initiative; NATO Afghan First Policy; and NTM-A as a support for the ANSF’s development
1045Coffee break
1115The Security of Afghan Citizens: Strengthening the Integrity of the ANSF
What institutional reforms would improve the integrity of the ANSF? What broader consideration must be given to the interface between security and the rest of the government and justice system? How can the international community and Afghan leaders work together to establish rule of law and insulate critical institutions from intimidation, coercion, and political interference? How can efforts by the international security forces contribute to the fight against corruption? How can we measure progress and what indicators are important for transition?
1300 Lunch in the Reading Room
1400The Afghan Experience: Looking Towards Transition
How can we help Afghans build legitimate, self-sustaining government institutions? How do we measure progress on governance at a national and provincial level, and how can we assist them in minimizing corruption? How can we help make the partnership with President Karzai and other leaders more effective?
1515Coffee break
1545Diplomatic and Political Strategies for Afghan Transition
How can NATO support the Afghan Government in building sustainable state institutions and ensure corruption is not more deeply embedded through transition? How can the international community engage with Afghan civil society and support its development? How can the reintegration and reconciliation processes help build state institutions and how do we take account of the Taliban?
1715Concluding Remarks and Reception
Tuesday, 1 February
0900 Registration and Coffee
0930Addressing Large-Scale Corruption in Afghanistan
There are many large-scale corruption challenges in Afghanistan, some of which are fuelled by the presence of the international community, and some of which are connected to powerful networks that wield political influence. Which are the priorities to tackle? How does the international community raise its game in helping to address them?
1045 Coffee break
1115Discussion Session
1245 Lunch in the Reading Room
1400Supporting Afghanistan’s Economic Growth and Development
What are the potential drivers for growth in the Afghan economy? What is required to make progress in the metals sector and combat corrupt interests? How much civilian aid is necessary? What are the problems of too much aid and how can the military better support economic
growth? What are the challenges of moving from a military to an aid based strategy?
1515 Coffee break
1545Review of Conference Findings and Discussion
1645Concluding Remarks