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Brexit Begins: How to avoid disaster & make the most of it for both sides

KAS / WMCES London Debate 2017

This year's KAS / WMCES London Debate will bring together high profile speakers to discuss how both sides can avoid disaster and make the most of the Brexit. To attend email

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Venue: St Ermin's Hotel, Crystal Ballroom, 2 Caxton St, Westminster, London SW1H 0QW

18.30 Registration

19.00 Panel Debate

Welcome: Hans Blomeier, KAS

Panel discussion:

Mikuláš Dzurinda, President of the WMCES, Former Prime Minister of Slovakia

Lord Jonathan Hill, Former European Commissioner

Dara Murphy T.D., Vice-President of the European People's Party

Paulo Portas, Former Deputy Prime Minister of Portugal

Moderator: Quentin Peel, Europe Programme, Chatham House

20:30 Drinks Reception

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St Ermin's Hotel
2 Caxton St, WestminsterCrystal Ballroom,
SW1H 0QW London
United Kingdom
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  • Mikuláš Dzurinda
    • Lord Jonathan Hill
      • Dara Murphy
        • Paulo Portas & Quentin Peel


          Brexit begins: how to avoid disaster & make the most of it for both sides: KAS & WMCES
          Read now

          Hans-Hartwig Blomeier

          Portrait von Hans Blomeier

          Head of the KAS office Mexico

 +52 55 55664599