12.15 Welcome Address and Introduction
Professor Dr Friedbert Pflüger, Director, EUCERS, King’s College London
Hans-Hartwig Blomeier, Director London Office, Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (KAS)
Session 1: The Future of Oil after the Paris Climate Conference
Keynote:Dr Christoph Frei, Secretary General & CEO, World Energy Council
Chaired byProfessor Dr Friedbert Pflüger, VDirector, EUCERS, King’s College London
Olaf Martins, Global Engagement Manager, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP)
Dr Mark Howard, Visiting Professor, University of Cardiff and former Vice President, BP Conversion Technology Centre
John V Mitchell, Associate Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources, Chatham House
14.00 Lunch
15.00 Session 2: Climate Policy Implications for the Fossil Fuel Industry
Keynote: Christof Rühl, Global Head of Research, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority's (ADA)
Chaired byHans-Hartwig Blomeier, Director London Office, Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (KAS)
Mechthild Wörsdörfer, Director of Energy Policy, European Commission
Dr Frank Umbach, Director, EUCERS, King’s College London
Friederike Metternich, Political leadership policy advisor, Green Alliance
Dr Mark Howard, Vice President, BP Conversion Technology Centre (ret.), Visiting Professor, University of Cardiff
16.30 Reception