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Seminar on "Where from here, Indian Economy?"

Inauguration of the "Konrad Adenauer" library in Chennai

On March 2nd, 2018, the Madras Management Association (MMA), the Chennai Chapter of the Oberserver Research Foundation (ORF) and the India office of the KAS are organizing a seminar on „Where from here, Indian Economy?“ in Chennai.

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The experts will assess and discuss the current shape of the Indian economy, identify challenges and comment the government's current reform efforts. Finally, they will also develop recommendations on what further action is needed to enable the Indian economy to develop positively.

In addition, the "KonradAdenauer" library will be inaugurated in the new building of the MMA. The long-term partner MMA honors the partnership with the KAS India office and has accordingly named the library after the namesake of the foundation.

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Chennai, Tamil Nadu


  • Ram Venkataramani
    • Ravi N
      • Dr. S. Narayan
        • Dr. C. Rangarjan
          • Prof. Dr. Heribert Dieter


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            MMA-KAS-ORF-C Seminar Logo

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            Madras Management Association (MMA)
            Observer Research Foundation (ORF)