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Event reports

German-Indian Dialogue on Security and Europe

In the course of a project series held in New Delhi, Prof. Dr. Friedbert Pflüger, Former State Secretary and Director, European Centre for Energy and Resource Security (EUCERS) King´s College London, together with high ranking Indian security experts, discussed current foreign and security challenges to Europe and India.

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As a follow up to the frequent experts talks held earlier, the participants exchanged their expertise on current foreign policy and security issues and univocally called for more cooperation. In his statement, Prof. Pflüger reemphasized the need for building close ties between Europe and Asia. The events aimed at promoting German-Indian-European dialogue sustainably. Further, Prof. Pflüger directed a speech on clean energies and their potential for South Asia to the participants of the TERI-KAS-EUCERS Conference. At the Jawaharlal Nehr University, he engaged with students and discussed with them the implications of the current Euro crisis and the reemergence of nationalism in Europe and South Asia.

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