Event reports
Dr. Andreas Schockenhoff, Member of the German Federal Parliament and Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group in the Bundestag for Foreign Affairs, Affairs of the European Union and Defence Policy, described his point of view on current foreign- and security policy challenges for Germany and Europe during his four-day visit in India. The KAS, together with its partner Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) – one of the leading security policy Think-Tanks in India - organized a Policy Roundtable on this topic. Chaired by Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Satish Nambiar, Distinguished Fellow, IDSA, Dr. Schockenhoff explained the foreign and security policy strategies of Germany and Europe in an international context. Furthermore, he discussed: Indo-German Relationships, the Af-Pak region and terrorism as well as the role of India in the international community.