Event reports
A sustainable energy supply is already a big challenge for India. For a long time, India suffers from an enormous energy supply deficit. For years, the demand for energy is higher than the supply. Furthermore, a big amount of the rural population – more than 400 million people in 120.000 villages – have no or only limited access to cheap energy, because in most of the rural areas there is no energy infrastructure. The installation and maintenance costs are too high for the humble degree of utilization in the rural areas. To meet the increasing demand, India is constructing new nuclear power plants. But after the tragic incident in Fukushima, nuclear energy is regarded as unsafe.
In his speech, Prof. Dr. Friedbert Pflüger discussed the most important Megatrends in Global Energy Policy after Fukushima with the students of the JNU.
Energy and climate change as well as energy security is one of the core topics of the KAS in India and political decision makers as well as experts from the economic and the academic sector discuss this in collaboration with KAS.