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Kementerian Dalam Negeri Republik Indonesia (Kemendagri)

Since 2014, based on a Memorandum of Understanding the Konrad- Adenauer-Stiftung and the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs has been cooperated. The cooperation between the KAS and the Training Center of the Ministry of Home Affairs (BPSDM Kemendagri) aims to reform the ministerial education and training systems. Together are trainings conducted on conflict prevention, conflict management, the rule of law and human rights for senior staffs and decision-makers of the Satpol-PP units. On the topic rule of law, democracy and human rights are also being trained senior ministry officials and representatives of the regional governments.
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Center for the Study of Religion and Culture at the Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University (UIN)

CSRC represents the heart of the Islamic State University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah's study and research activities in the field of religion and culture. The idea to establish the Centre was a result of the need to address the ever-increasing demands for development of studies and research on religion (mainly Islam) and its impact on social, cultural, and political domains.
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Universitas Paramadina

In 1994, the Paramadina Waqf Foundation, chaired by the prominent Muslim intellectual, Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid, and the Pondok Mulya Foundation agreed on a plan to establish a university that became the seed of Paramadina University. The aspiration of the founders was to establish a university with an alternative concept to produce graduates who are qualified in research and business. Paramadina University has a mission to respond to the challenges faced by Indonesia in the midst of various changes and assist in creating an educational model by developing a teaching center and culture that encourages creativity, hones faith and oversees the spirit of humanity and tolerance.
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Yayasan Kesatuan Pelayanan Kerjasama (SATUNAMA)

SATUNAMA was founded in 1998 with the support of the Canadian Unity Service Cooperation (USC) and is a non-governmental organization based in Yogyakarta. SATUNAMA is committed to the eradication of poverty and the attainment of a society that is democratic, socially just and upholding human rights. The organization strives for the growth and development of local potencies and universal values.
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Jimly School of Law and Government

The Jimly School of Law and Government was established to enhance the understanding of law and constitution among the organisation's leaders and members and aspiring leaders and members. As an example to achieve this goal, civil servants are trained on topics such as good governance and corruption eradication. The founder of this institution is Prof. Dr. H. Jimly Asshiddiqie, S.H., M.H., the first Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia.
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Yayasan Perspektif Baru (YPB)

Yayasan Perspektif Baru (YPB) is a non-profit public education organization that provides and disseminates well-researched information on issues of broad public concern. The organization aims to increase understanding through fair and balanced delivery to the Indonesian public. In addition to producing radio programs in the "Perspektif Baru" series, YPB is actively involved in promoting democracy and pluralism in Indonesia. To ensure voters exercise their right to vote, YPB organizes seminars and panel discussions as well as training sessions for journalists on the upcoming elections. YPB also provides technical support to several NGOs and social activists in Indonesia through communication training programs. YPB was founded in 1994 by Wimar Witoelar, spokesperson for former president Abdurrahman Wahid.
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Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

CSIS was founded in 1971 as an independent Non-governmental Organization with focus on policy research on national and international issues. With an international dialogue, research cooperations and social-political studies CSIS wants to individually contribute to improve indonesias foreign policy development. At the same time CSIS is involved in political education of the public. Specific expertise of research and practice is conveyed in workshops and courses. With its work CSIS provides an important contribution for political education, for support of scientific exchange and the strengthening of regional and international cooperations.
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Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI)

Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI) is the largest international relations community in Indonesia and in Southeast Asia. FPCI is an independent, non-political, non-partisan, and non-governmental organization. Since its establishment in 2015 by Dr. Dino Patti Djalal, FPCI has played an active role in socializing Indonesia's foreign policy and regional and international issues at the grassroots, especially the young generation and students. FPCI has Chapters in more than 30 universities in Indonesia. In Southeast Asia, more than 50 universities are members of the FPCI network. Globally, the general public from 148 countries have joined the FPCI network and activities.
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Bandung Trust Advisory Group (B_Trust)

B_Trust is an Indonesian NGO established in 2001 and based in Bandung. Cooperation with KAS is through the Workshop on Strengthening the Role, Capacity and Competence of Women Parliamentarians. Ir. Hetifah Sjaifudian, MPP, PhD, who is very active in fighting for the role of women in the DPR/DPRD and is a member of the DPR, is a member of the B_Trust board.
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Paramadina Institute for Education Reform (PIER)

Paramadina Institute for Education Reform was established as a non-profit organization in 2002. In PIER's view, education reform is needed to increase individual empowerment and encourage the systematic development of children's potential and skills. To implement this idea, Paramadina University established the Institute for Education Reform in 2002 as a research institute with a focus on education reform. Since then, PIER's goal has been to encourage education reform, especially education in schools based on the spirit to emancipate and enlighten students. The four main pillars on which PIER bases its work are: free education, improving teacher professionalism, teacher/education autonomy and democratic learning processes. PIER's target groups in its activities are school administrators such as principals and members of the regional education office, as well as teachers from secondary schools.
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The Habibie Center

The Habibie Center was founded by former Indonesian President Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie and his family as an independent, non-governmental and non-profit organization. It aims to promote modernization and democratization efforts in Indonesia based on morality, cultural integrity and religious values. Its mission is (1) to create a culturally and structurally democratic society that recognizes, respects and upholds human rights, and to study and address democratic development and human rights issues; and (2) to promote and improve human resource management and technology dissemination activities. This mission serves as the basis for strategic development programs in The Habibie Center's agenda, which include democratization and human rights, human capital in science and technology, media and information, marine resources, technology dissemination and transfer, and networking and collaboration.
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