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De-Risking, but where to?

The Emerging ASEAN countries as an alternative to China

Due to their limited economic power and numerous structural challenges, the Emerging ASEAN countries do not present an alternative to China in the foreseeable future.

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Country report

Indonesia in Super Election Year 2024

Indonesia, the third largest democracy in the world, faces the largest elections in its history in 2024.

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Country report

Timor-Leste at a crossroads

Ramos-Horta is traveling at a crucial time for Timor-Leste. The small country is the most stable democracy in Southeast Asia, but it is also facing an economic precipice.

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ASEAN Matters

Indonesia's chairmanship as an opportunity for more European involvement in the region

Indonesia took over the chairmanship of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) at the beginning of the year. Germany and the EU also have a role to play here.

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Indonesiens umstrittene Strafrechtsreform

Am 6. Dezember 2022 hat das indonesische Parlament eine hoch umstrittene Strafrechtsreform beschlossen. Ein Bericht von Dr. Denis Suarsana.

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Aspirations & Expectations: the Future of G7-G20 Relations.

The 6th KAS-CSIS Germany-Indonesia Strategic Dialogue

More information about the event and the link to the live stream can be found here.

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The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is one of the political foundations of the Federal Republic of Germany and makes an active and substantial contribution to international cooperation and understanding through its various activities and projects. We present the objectives, projects and publications of our country office to Indonesia and Timor-Leste.

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